General Information

General Information

The conference is about all issues related to the development and design, content, history and use of mathematics curriculum resources in print or digital format. The intention is to cover curriculum resources from pre-K to university settings, as well as those for home or out-of-school settings.

Contributions should relate to mathematics curriculum resources (including, but not restricted to, textbooks) in any medium (including, but not restricted to digital or print), and should address at least one of the following themes:

  1. Theoretical and/or methodological issues in the design of curriculum resources
  2. Theoretical and/or methodological issues in research on curriculum resources
  3. Theoretical and/or methodological issues in evaluation of curriculum resources 
  4. Studies of the use of (including interaction with) curriculum resources by students and/or teachers (including student teachers and teacher educators) 
  5. Studies of the production, selection, acquisition and distribution of curriculum resources within educational systems and institutions  
  6. Studies of relations between educational policy and curriculum resources
  7. Comparative studies of curriculum resources (including, but not restricted to, international or transcultural studies)
  8. Historical perspectives on curriculum resources
  9. Perspectives on implications of new technical developments (such as artificial intelligence) for curriculum resources. 

International program committee

  • Birgit Pepin (chair; NTNU, Norway & TU/e, Netherlands)
  • Marcelo C. Borba (Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil) 
  • Jeff Choppin (Rochester University, USA)
  • Lianghuo Fan (University of Macau, China; University of Southampton, UK) 
  • Gabriele Kaiser (University of Hamburg, Germany; Australian Catholic University, Australia) 
  • Iveta Kohanová (chair of LOC; NTNU, Norway)
  • Moneoang Leshota (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
  • Shai Olsher (University of Haifa, Israel)
  • Takeshi Miyakawa (Waseda University, Japan)
  • Janine Remillard (University of Pennsylvania, USA) 
  • Sebastian Rezat (Paderborn University, Germany)
  • Kenneth Ruthven (University of Cambridge, UK) 
  • Hussein Sabra (University Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France)
  • Hendrik Van Steenbrugge (Stockholm University, Sweden)

Local Organizing Committee at NTNU (LOC)

  • Birgit Pepin (Chair of the IPC)
  • Iveta Kohanová (Chair of the LOC)
  • Gresa Pozhegu Ermeni
  • Torkel Haugan Hansen
  • Siri-Malen Høynes
  • Marit Buset Langfeldt
  • Anders Sanne
  • Solomon Abedom Tesfamicael