3.5 Water resources assessment
Water resources assessment tool
Water resources assessment tool
Water resources assessment tool
Hydropower production is exclusively dependent on the availability of water. All competing water use or requirements are a potential business risk to the power producer. Adequate tools to assess the availability of water is a pre-requisite in all stages of planning and operation in order to optimize the power production in river basin with multi-user water requirements.
In Norway, the typical competition over water is between environmental concerns and power production, and in urgent situations reservoir capacities might be allocated for flood protection, an asset to the society often over-looked. Internationally water use such as irrigation, drinking water supply, navigation and upstream reservoir developments also pose a risk to the power production.
As the water needs will vary throughout the year and will depend on the hydrological variability from year to year, tools that can assess the uncertainty of the availability of water as well as the demand are very much needed. As the planning and operation of reservoirs play a key role in water resources management, affecting the availability of water to all water users, a broad multi-disciplinary approach is needed.
This WP aims at adapting existing tools to be used for environmental design analysis and for the assessment of hydropower potential in complex river basins with multiple water user interests and targets, geographically distributed over the whole river basin affected by the regulation. Furthermore, tools will be configured in order analyse the effect of reservoirs in reducing flood risks and damages due to flooding.
More specifically the WP will include modelling activities, based on existing tools, for the purpose of:
• Supporting environment design analysis with more precise comprehensive and hydrological input
• Configuring hydrological/hydraulic tools in order to simulate the effect of reservoirs in reducing flood risks
• Develop a hydrological risk assessment tool based on Bayesian network methodology for the purpose of providing assessing the hydrological risk (as input to investment risk analysis) in river basins with competing water use
The modelling tools will be demonstrated in 3-5 case studies.
Master thesis
Julie Charmasson
Lennart Hagen Schönfelder
Research Manager
E-post: lennart.schonfelder@sintef.no
Telefon: 968 75 157
About the project
About the project
WP 3.5
Full project name: Water resources assessment tool
Duration: 2016-2023
Objective: To adapt (develop) methods and tools for improved estimation and optimization of available water, and the role of reservoirs, in regulated river basins in the short- and long-term horizon.
Researchers working on the project: Julie Charmasson, Tor Haakon Bakken, Lennart Schonfelder, Bendik Torp Hansen.
R&D Partners: SINTEF Energy, NTNU, SEI
Associated projects: WP4, SusWater, EU Map4Solutions (proposal)
Master students associated with the project: Lensa Jotte, Franck Llorach, Sacha Baclet, Bendik Hansen.