Hydrocen - FranSed

Francis Turbines for Sediment Laden Waters (2018-2022)
What we do
FranSed stands for Francis Turbine for Sediment Laden Waters. The FranSed project aims towards scientific and technological breakthroughs to enable hydropower turbines to operate with high sediment concentration and sediment load.
The FranSed project will focus on the development of Francis turbines that are able to handle large amounts of sediments.
This is a collaborative project between NTNU/Hydrocen, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) and Kathmandu University (KU).
FranSed Project Team is getting bigger. Meet our Team members.
Numerical study of sediment erosion in guide vanes of a high head Francis turbine
N. Acharya, C. Trivedi, N.M. Wahl, S. Gautam, S. Chitrakar, O.G. Dahlhaug. Published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Presented at Current Research in Hydropower Technologies (CRHT) IX at Kathmandu University, Nepal on 9th April 2019
Key note speech by Prof. Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug during the web release of the conference CRHT X (Current Research in Hydropower Technologies)
- The second workshop of FranSed project together with CRHT -X 1 April 2020
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the 10th CRHT was conducted on web-based module on 28.04.2020.
Current Research in Hydropower Technologies (CRHT- X- 2020)
The second workshop of FranSed has been postponed until further notice.