Hydrocen - Hydropower Optimization
Hydropower optimization
Hydropower optimization
The power systems in US and Norway are changing rapidly in terms of energy mix and operation. In this picture the boundary conditions and role of hydropower is also changing.
Researchers from Norway and US work together to improve planning and operation of hydropower as a backbone in the power system providing energy storage and flexibility. The collaboration is expected to provide great values for the hydropower communities when we together improve state-of-the-art in hydropower optimization research.
IEA Annex IX
Flood control and drought management
Atle Harby, Simon Gore and Charles Scaife. Mauro Carolli, Nathalie Voisin, Jorge Damazio.
Electricity Market Models for the Future Power Grid: A US-European Review
Contact persons:
Audun Botterud, Argonne and Michael Belsnes, SINTEF.