Project End
Project End
Project End
When the project is finished and all manuscripts are published, the following procedure shall be followed:
1. Notification of end of project and project results
Send an e-mail to end the project with the following information:
- Project reference number and title
- overview with references of published articles stemming from the project
- As attachment: publications stemming from the project (pdf files)
2. Return of analyses results
If new variables were generated in the project that must be kept for future use:
Make mention of this in your e-mail. HUNT Databank will take in:
- syntax for the construction of variables with only HUNT variables
- Results of analyses from HUNT samples
3. Delete your data
After variables are returned to HUNT Databank, we ask you to confirm that you have deleted HUNT data from your institutes servers and information carriers / any cloud locations you may have used while analyzing the data.
DO NOT SEND FILES WITH VARIABLES AS ATTACHMENT. We use a safe FileSender service for such exchange of data.
HUNT Biobank | HUNT Databank | HUNT Cloud
Our purpose here at HUNT is to facilitate research leading to new knowledge about public health. Researchers associated with Norwegian institutions can apply for access to HUNT material. Researchers from other countries are welcome to apply in cooperation with a Norwegian Principle Investigator. The research projects must be approved by an ethics committee. See below for an overview of the project process.