Partners - FME ZeMe - Zero Emission Metal Production
Research partners
NTNU is the host of FME ZeMe. NTNU provides Norway's only education programs in Metallurgy and Industrial Ecology and is nationally and internationally recognized as leading university in these fields. NTNU is the main responsible for MSc and PhD education and training as well as long-term competence building.
SINTEF is leading FME ZeMe. It is the leading hub for industry-close metallurgical research in Norway, leads and participates in several FME centres, and develops new business activity from research. SINTEF’s researchers, engineers and research infrastructure are set up for contract research. They will be involved in all research areas and co-supervise PhD research.
NORCE is an independent research institute that conducts research to facilitate informed and sustainable choices for the future.
International partners
FME ZeMe includes leading international universities. They participate in the research activities and will each have one PhD research project. Their participation strengthens the research and industrial collaboration between Norway and South Korea and Canada, respectively.
Seoul National University in South Korea participates through its High-temperature thermochemistry lab led by professor In-Ho Jung in the department of Materials Science and Engineering. The group is widely recognized as a key-development group of the FactSage software and databases, used worldwide in process metallurgy and material science and engineering. Its research focusses on the development of thermodynamic and physical property databases for metals and oxides in high-temperature processes. It also develops kinetic process simulation models for these processes.
Université Laval in Quebec, Canada participates through the Department of Mineral, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. Professor Alamdari is the director of the Centre de recherche sur l’aluminium (REGAL), which works on fundamental and applied issues in aluminium production, processing and utilization. His research provides an important bridge between material use, modelling and performance in electrolysis.
Industrial partners
The industrial user partners are essential in the co-creation approach within FME ZeMe. They set the direction of the research by providing the knowledge gaps that need to be addressed.
The industrial partners also play a key role in bringing the research results into practice through new innovations. All industrial user partners have a decades or century-long tradition of innovation. They have key expertise in upscaling laboratory and pilot results to industrial scale, including the business and economic dimensions. Their staff and laboratories and plants will be available for (industrial) testing, piloting and other centre activities. This includes PhD and MSc supervision, participation in researcher exchanges and industry stays.