CBD Publications 2015
Publications 2015
Anderwald, P., Herfindal, I., Haller, R.M., Risch, A.C., Schütz, M., Schweiger, A.K. and Filli, F. 2015. Influence of migratory ungulate management on competitive interactions with resident species in a protected area. Ecosphere 6, art228
Araya-Ajoy, Y.G., Mathot, K.J. and Dingemanse, N.J. 2015. An approach to estimate short-term, long-term and reaction norm repeatability. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6, 1462–1473.
Asghar, M., Bensch, S., Tarka, M., Hansson, B. and Hasselquist, D. 2015. Maternal and genetic factors determine early life telomere length. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 282, 20142263
Barson, N.J., Aykanat, T., Hindar, K., Baranski, M., Bolstad, G.H., Fiske, P., Jacq, C., Jensen, A.J., Johnston, S.E., Karlsson, S., Kent, M., Oen, T.M., Niemelae, E., Nome, T., Naesje, T.F., Orell, P., Romakkaniemi, A., Sægrov, H., Urdal, K., Erkinaro, J., Lien, S. and Primmer, C.R. 2015. Sex-dependent dominance at a single locus maintains variation in age at maturity in salmon. Nature 528, 405–408
Bleu, J., Herfindal, I., Loison, A., Kwak, Anne M.G., Garel, M., Toïgo, C., Rempfler, T., Filli, F. and Sæther, B.-E. 2015. Age-specific survival and annual variation in survival of female chamois differ between populations. Oecologia 179, 1091-1098
Bolstad, G.H., Cassara, J.A., Márquez, E., Hansen, T.F., van der Linde, K., Houle, D. and Pélabon, C. 2015. Complex constraints on allometry revealed by artificial selection on the wing of Drosophila melanogaster. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112, 13284–13289
Botero, C.A., Weissing, F.J., Wright, J. and Rubenstein, D.R. 2015. Evolutionary tipping points in the capacity to adapt to environmental change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112, 184–189
Bourguignon, L., Crochet, J.-Y., Capdevila, R., Ivorra, J., Antoine, P.-O., Agustí, J., Barsky, D., Blain, H.-A.,Boulbes, N., Bruxelles, L., Claude, J., Cochard, D., Filoux, A., Firmat, C., Lozano-Fernández, I., Magniez, P., Pelletier, M., Rios-Garaizar, J., Testu, A., Valensi, P. and De Weyer, L. 2015. Bois-de-Riquet (Lézignan-la-Cèbe, Hérault): A late Early Pleistocene archeological occurrence in southern France. Quaternary International 393, 24–40
Chevin, L.-M., Visser, M.E. and Tufto, J. 2015. Estimating the variation, autocorrelation, and environmental sensitivity of phenotypic selection. Evolution 69, 2319-2332
Hansen, B.B. and Aanes, R. 2015. Habituation to humans in a predator-free wild ungulate. Polar Biology 38, 145-151
Heggøy, O., Christensen-Dalsgaard, S., Ranke, P.S., Chastel, O. and Bech, C. 2015. GPS-loggers influence behaviour and physiology in the black-legged kittiwake Rissa tridactyla. Marine Ecology Progress Series 521, 273-284
Herfindal, I., Tremblay, J.-P., Hester, A.J., Lande, U.S. and Wam, H. 2015. Associational relationships at multiple spatial scales affect forest damage by moose. Forest Ecology and Management 348, 97-107
Herfindal, I., van de Pol, M., Nielsen, J.T., Møller, A.P. and Sæther, B.-E. 2015. Climatic conditions cause complex patterns of covariation between demographic traits in a long-lived raptor. Journal of Animal Ecology 84, 702-711
Holand, H., Jensen, H., Tufto, J., Pärn, H., Sæther, B.-E. and Ringsby, T.H. 2015. Endoparasite infection has both short- and long-term negative effects on reproductive success of female house sparrows, as revealed by faecal parasitic egg counts. PLoS ONE 10, e0125773
Kropatsch, R., Melis, C., Stronen, A.V., Jensen, H. and Epplen, J.T. 2015. Molecular genetics of sex identification, breed ancestry and polydactyly in the Norwegian Lundehund breed. Journal of Heredity 106, 403-406
Lee, A.M., Bjørkvoll, E., Hansen, B.B., Albon, S.D., Stien, A., Sæther, B.-E., Engen, S., Veiberg, V., Loe, L.-E. and Grøtan, V. 2015. An integrated population model for a long-lived ungulate: more efficient data use with Bayesian methods. Oikos 124, 806-816
Lemaître, J.F., Vanpé, C., Plard, F., Pélabon, C. and Gaillard, J.M. 2015. Response to Packard: make sure we do not throw out the biological baby with the statistical bath water when performing allometric analyses. Biology Letters 11,
Lemaître, J.F., Berger, V., Bonenfant, C., Douhard, M., Gamelon, M., Plard, F. and Gaillard, J.-M. 2015. Early-late life trade-offs and the evolution of ageing in the wild. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 282, 20150209
Louhi. P., Robertsen, G., Fleming, I.A. and Einum, S. 2015. Can timing of spawning explain the increase in egg size with female size in salmonid fish? Ecology of Freshwater Fish 24, 23-31
Melis, C., Herfindal, I., Dahl, F. and Åhlén, P.-A. 2015. Individual and temporal variation in habitat association of an alien carnivore at its invasion front. PLoS ONE 10, e0122492
Opedal, Ø.H., Armbruster W.S. and Pélabon, C. 2015. Inbreeding effects in a mixed-mating vine: effects of mating history, pollen competition and stress on the cost of inbreeding. AoB PLANTS 7, plv133
Opedal, Ø.H., Armbruster, W.S. and Graae, B.J. 2015. Linking small-scale topography with microclimate, plant species diversity and intra-specific trait variation in an alpine landscape. Plant Ecology & Diversity 8, 305-315
Pélabon, C., Albertsen, E., Falahati-Anbaran, M. and Armbruster, W.S. 2015. Does multiple paternity affect seed mass in angiosperms? An experimental test in Dalechampia scandens. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28, 1719-1733
Pélabon, C., Hennet, L., Strimbeck, R., Johnson, H. and Armbruster W.S. 2015. Blossom colour change after pollination provides carbon for developing seeds. Functional Ecology, 29, 1137–1143
Penz, C., DeVries, P., Tufto, J. and Lande, R. 2015. Butterfly dispersal across Amazonia and its implication for biogeography. Ecography 38 , 410-418
Rijal, D.P., Alm, T., Jahodová, Š., Stenøien, H.K. and Alsos, I.G. 2015. Reconstructing the invasion history of Heracleum persicum (Apiaceae) into Europe. Molecular Ecology 24, 5522–5543
Ringsby, T.H., Jensen, H., Pärn, H., Kvalnes, T., Boner, W., Gillespie, R., Holand, H., Hagen, I.J., Rønning, B., Sæther, B.-E. and Monaghan, P. 2015. On being the right size: increased body size is associated with reduced telomere length under natural conditions. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 282, 20152331
Roulin, A. and Jensen, H. 2015. Sex-linked inheritance, genetic correlations and sexual dimorphism in three melanin-based colour traits in the barn owl. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28, 655-666
Sereni, L. and Einum, S. 2015. No evidence for activity adjustment in response to increased density in Daphnia magna. PLoS ONE 10, e0144759
Solbu, E.B., Engen, S. and Diserud, O.H. 2015. Guidelines when estimating temporal changes in density dependent populations. Ecological Modelling 313, 355-376
Sæther, B.-E. and Engen, S. 2015. The concept of fitness in fluctuating environments. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 30, 273-281
Tarka, M., Bolstad, G.H., Wacker, S., Räsänen, K., Hansen, T.F. and Pélabon, C. 2015. Did natural selection make the Dutch taller? A cautionary note on the importance of quantification in understanding evolution. Evolution, 69, 3204-3206
Tarka, M., Hansson, B. and Hasselquist, D. 2015. Selection and evolutionary potential of spring arrival phenology in males and females of a migratory songbird. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28, 1024-1038
Westneat, D.F., Wright, J. and Dingemanse, N.J. 2015. The biology hidden inside residual within-individual phenotypic variation. Biological Reviews 90, 729–743.
Featured publications
Herfindal, I. et al. 2015. Climatic conditions cause complex patterns of covariation between demographic traits in a long-lived raptor. Journal of Animal Ecology 84, 702–711.
Climatic conditions affect individual vital rates and evidently also lifetime performance. We show contrasting short- and long-term climatic effects on goshawk performance. In years with cold temperature during spring, breeding probability was lower, but individuals hatched in such cold years had a higher lifetime reproductive success. Accordingly, climatic conditions experienced during different stages of individual life histories causes complex patterns of environmental covariance among demographic traits even across generations. This may either buffer or amplify impacts of climate change on population growth, and emphasizes the importance of considering demographic changes during the complete life history of individuals when predicting the effect of climatic change on population dynamics.