Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (CBD)

Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (CBD)


The vision behind the Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics at NTNU is to develop an interdisciplinary centre for research into changes in time and space of biological diversity at different organismal levels.

CBD focuses on three primary research areas which we believe it is important to increase knowledge for the sustainable conservation of biodiversity in a changing world; Population ecology, Evolutionary biology, and Community dynamics.


News from CBD

Results from the SUSTAIN project in Climate Research
The journal "Climate Research" has published a Special Issue summarizing the research from the Sustain project. Sustain was a large, integrated research project with main participants from the CEES at the University of Oslo, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology at the University of Tromsø, and CBD at NTNU. The project also included participants from NINA and NIVA, as well as end users and stakeholder organisations. The project focussed on the management of sustainable harvesting considering species interactions, environmental variations, and in particular, climate change. All papers in the Climate Research Sustain issue are open access, and can be found here.

Announcement of PhD positions for the NTNU Sustainability call
The 43 PhD positions for the 9 projects that got supported by the NTNU Sustainability call are now announced. All of them have application deadline 7th of January 2022. CBD is leading one of the projects: "Nature-based solutions towards for land use transitions towards more sustainable societies". This project has announced four PhD-positions. 
1. Patterns of biodiversity in space and time
2. Biodiversity and land-use change through time and space
3. Impact assessment of biodiversity at a company level
4. Societal and political aspects of land use change and biodiversity loss

In addition, two positions within the project "Sustainable hydropower development and reservoir management as an enabler of the renewable energy transition and an accelerator to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals" are affiliated to CBD. These are
1. Invertebrate species tolerance to hydropower reservoirs
2. Environmental gradients of hydropower impact

CBD involved in NTNU sustainability projects
In May 2021, NTNU opened an internal call for interdisciplinary research collaboration in sustainability. The results from the application evaluation gave 9 projects funding. CBD is involved in two of these projects. Prof. Bernt-Erik Sæther is, together with Ivar Herfindal, leading the project "Nature-based solutions for land use transitions towards more sustainable societies", which also includes Ass. Prof. James Speed (NTNU University Museum), Prof. Gunhild Setten, Department of Geography, and Prof. Ottar Michelsen, Department of Industrial Economy and Technology Management. In addition, CBD is heavily involved in the project "SusHydro – Sustainable hydropower development and reservoir management as an enabler of the renewable energy transition and an accelerator to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)", where Ass. Prof. Irja Ida Ratikainen and Prof. Anders Finstad are PIs for one work package each. 

Mini calevent portlet


At present, there are no upcoming events.

Population Ecology


Community Dynamics