Svalbard reindeer REINCLIM
Community dynamics in a rapidly warming high Arctic: trophic synchrony in time and space (INSYNC)
The INSYNC project - financed by the Research Council Norway (FRIPRO) for 2018-21 - aims to explore how patterns of community dynamics in time and space are driven by direct versus indirect effects of climate (change). To achieve this, we will combine stochastic demographic modelling, experimental approaches and analyses of timeseries data across species and trophic levels in the Svalbard tundra ecosystem.
- PI: Dr. Brage Bremset Hansen, Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (CBD), Dynamics of Arctic Ecosystems Group
- Postdocs and PhDs linked with INSYNC: Bart Peeters, Kate Layton-Matthews, Mathilde Le Moullec, Ellen C. Martin, Laura Bartra Cabre
- Collaborators: University of Aberdeen (UK), University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), University of Groningen (NL), University of Iceland, CNRS Montpellier (FR), Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Layton-Matthews K, Grøtan V, Hansen BB, Loonen MJJE, Fuglei E and Childs DZ (2021). Environmental change reduces body condition, but not population growth, in a high-arctic herbivore. Ecology Letters 24: 227-238.
Lee AM, Jarillo J, Peeters B, Hansen BB, Cao-Garcìa FJ, Sæther B-E and Engen S (2021). Population responses to harvesting in fluctuating environments. Climate Research (in press): DOI:
Paulsen IG, Soininen EM, Ravolainen V, Loe LE, Hansen BB, Irvine RJ, Stien A, Ropstad E, Veiberg V, Fuglei E and Pedersen ÅØ (2021). Don’t go chasing the ghosts of the past: habitat selection and site fidelity during calving in an Arctic ungulate. Wildlife Biology 00: wlb00740.
Loe LE, Liston GE, Pigeon G, Barker K, Horvitz N, Stien A, Forchhammer M, Getz WM, Irvine RJ, Lee AM, Movik LK, Mysterud A, Pedersen ÅØ, Reinking AK, Ropstad E, Trondrud LM, Tveraa T, Veiberg V, Hansen BB and Albon SD (2021). The neglected season: Warmer autumns counteract harsher winters and promote population growth in Arctic reindeer. Global Change Biology 27: 993-1002.
Peeters B, Grøtan V, Gamelon M, Veiberg V, Lee AM, Fryxell JM, Albon SD, Sæther B-E, Engen S, Loe LE and Hansen BB (2021). Harvesting can stabilize population fluctuations and buffer the impacts of climate change. Authorea: DOI: 10.22541/au.161311924.44472260/v1.
Barrio I, Ehrich D, Soininen EM, (…), Hansen BB, (…) and Jonsdottir IS (2021). Developing common protocols to measure tundra herbivory across spatial scales. Arctic Science (in press).
Fjelldal M, Layton-Matthews K, Lee AM, Grøtan V, Loonen MJJE and Hansen BB (2020). High-arctic family planning: earlier spring onset advances age at first reproduction in barnacle geese. Biology Letters 16: 20200075.
Le Moullec M, Sandal L, Buchwal, Grøtan V and Hansen BB (2020). Climate synchronizes shrub growth across a high-arctic archipelago: contrasting implications of summer and winter warming. Oikos (available online).
Hansen BB, Grøtan V, Herfindal I and Lee AM (2020). The Moran effect revisited: spatial population synchrony under global warming. Ecography (available online).
Peeters B, Le Moullec M, Raeymaekers JAM, Marquez JF, Røed KH, Pedersen ÅØ, Veiberg V, Loe LE and Hansen BB (2020). Sea ice loss increases genetic isolation in a high-arctic ungulate meta-population. : detection of a climate-cryosphere regime shift. Global Change Biology
Pedersen ÅØ, Le Moullec M, Peeters B and Hansen BB (2020) Klimaoppvarmingen forklarer lokale kontraster i bestandsutvikling hos svalbardrein. Villreinen 35: 26-29.
Peeters B, Veiberg V, Pedersen ÅØ, Le Moullec M and Hansen BB (2020) Minkende sjøis og genetiske spor etter tidligere tiders jakt. Villreinen 35: 50-52.
Hansen BB, Pedersen ÅØ, Peeters B, Le Moullec M, Albon SD, Grøtan V, Herfindal I, Sæther B-E and Aanes R (2019). Spatial heterogeneity in climate change effects decouples the long-term dynamics of wild reindeer populations in the high Arctic. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14761.
Layton-Matthews K, Hansen BB, Grøtan V, Fuglei E and Loonen MJJE (2019). Conflicting consequences of climate change for migratory geese: Predation, density dependence and carryover effects offset benefits of high-arctic warming. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14773
Le Moullec M, Pedersen ÅØ, Stien A, Rosvold J and Hansen BB (2019). A century of conservation: the ongoing recovery of Svalbard reindeer. Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21761.
Hansen BB, Gamelon M, Albon SD, Lee AM, Stien A, Irvine RJ, Sæther B-E, Loe LE, Ropstad E, Veiberg V & Grøtan V (2019) More frequent extreme climate events stabilize reindeer population dynamics. Nature Communications (NCOMMS-18-26911A).
Layton-Matthews K, Loonen MJJE, Hansen BB, Sæther B-E, Coste C and Grøtan V (2019). Density-dependent population dynamics of a high Arctic capital breeder, the barnacle goose. Journal of Animal Ecology 88:1191-1201.
Le Moullec M, Buchwal A, van der Wal R, Sandal L & Hansen BB (2019). Annual ring growth of a widespread high arctic shrub reflects past fluctuations in community‐level plant biomass. Journal of Ecology 107:436-451.
Hansen BB, Lorentzen JR, Welker JM, Varpe Ø, Aanes R, Beumer LT & Pedersen ÅØ (2019) Reindeer turning maritime: ice-locked tundra triggers changes in dietary niche utilization. Ecosphere (ECS19-0014).
Peeters B, Pedersen ÅØ, Loe LE, Isaksen I, Veiberg V, Stien A, Kohler J, Gallet J-C, Aanes R & Hansen BB (2019) Spatiotemporal patterns of rain-on-snow and basal ice in high Arctic Svalbard: detection of a climate-cryosphere regime shift. Environmental Research Letters 10.1088/1748-9326/aaefb3.
Le Moullec M, Isaksen K, Petit Bon M, Jonsdottir IS, Varpe Ø, Hendel AL, Beumer LT and Hansen BB (2019) Towards rainy Arctic winters: effects of experimental icing on tundra plants and their soil conditions. MET Report 08/2019. Norwegian Meteorological Institute.
Paulsen IMG, Pedersen ÅØP, Soininen E, Ravolainen V, Loe LE and Hansen BB (2019) Kalving i et landskap uten rovdyr og mennesker. Villreinen 34: 50-53.
Peeters B, Le Moullec M, Pedersen ÅØ, Rosvold J and Hansen BB (2019) Human impacts on the distribution, abundance, and population genetics of the Svalbard reindeer. Report to Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund: 30 pp.
Hansen BB, Isaksen K & Varpe Ø (2018). Vinteren 2017-18 er den varmeste noensinne registrert i Arktis. Aftenposten Viten 2018-03-14.
- Ravolainen V, Eischeid I, Hansen BB et al. (2018). Where do trophic interactions happen? A spatial assessment of shared habitat between the three Svalbard herbivores: Svalbard reindeer, Svalbard rock ptarmigan, and pink-footed geese. Report to Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund: 35 pp.
- Veiberg V, Danielsen P, Loe LE, Stien A, Peeters B, Hansen BB, Irvine RJ, Ropstad E, Albon SD, Tveraa T & Varpe Ø (2017). Klimaeffektar på svalbardreinens kalvingstidspunkt. NINA Rapport 1311.
- Karlsen SR, Anderson HB, van der Wal R & Hansen BB (2018). A new NDVI measure that overcomes data sparsity in cloud-covered regions predicts annual variation in ground-based estimates of high arctic plant productivity. Environmental Research Letters 13(2).
- Pedersen ÅØ, Hansen BB et al. (2018). When ground-ice replaces fjord-ice: results from a study of GPS-collared Svalbard reindeer females. Norwegian Polar Institute Brief Report Series (049), 35 pp.
- Le Moullec M, Pedersen ÅØ, Yoccoz NG, Aanes R, Tufto J, Hansen BB (2017) Ungulate population monitoring in an open tundra landscape: distance sampling versus total counts. Wildlife Biology.
- Loe LE, Øyjordet I, Veiberg V, Pedersen ÅØ, Hansen BB & Stien A (2017). Jakt på svalbardrein – hva er naturlige grenser for fellingsområdene? Report to Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund: 39 pp.
- Peeters B, Veiberg V, Pedersen ÅØ, Stien A, Irvine RJ, Aanes R, Sæther B-E, Strand O, Hansen BB (2017) Climate and density-dependence cause changes in adult sex ratio in a large Arctic herbivore. Ecosphere 8:e01699
- Albon SD, Irvine RJ, Halvorsen O, Langvatn R, Loe LE, Ropstad E, Veiberg V, van der Wal R, Bjørkvoll EM, Duff EI, Hansen BB, Lee AM, Tveraa T, Stien A (2017) Contrasting effects of summer and winter warming on body mass explain population dynamics in a food-limited Arctic herbivore. Global Change Biology 23:1374-1389.
- Beumer LT, Varpe Ø, Hansen BB (2017). Cratering behaviour and faecal C:N ratio in relation to seasonal snow-pack characteristics in a high-Arctic ungulate. Polar Research 37.
- Milner J, Varpe Ø, Van der Wal R, Hansen BB (2016). Experimental icing affects growth, mortality and flowering in a high Arctic dwarf shrub. Ecology and Evolution.
- Vickers H, Høgda KA, Solbø S, Karlsen SR, Tømmervik H, Aanes R, Hansen BB (2016) Changes in greening in the High Arctic - insights from a 30-year AVHRR max NDVI dataset for Svalbard. Environmental Research Letters.
- Loe LE, Hansen BB, Stien A, Albon SD, Bischof R, Carlsson A, Irvine J, Meland M, Rivrud IM, Ropstad E, Veiberg V, Mysterud A (2016). Behavioral buffering of extreme weather events in a high-Arcitc herbivore. Ecosphere 7: 1-13.
- Bjørkvoll E, Lee AM, Grøtan V, Sæther B-E, Stien A, Engen S, Albon SD, Loe LE, Hansen BB (2016). Demographic buffering of life histories? Implications of the choice of measurement scale. Ecology 97: 40-47.
- Lee AM,Bjørkvoll E, Hansen BB, Albon SD, Stien A, Sæther B-E, Engen S, Veiberg V, Loe LE, Grøtan V (2015). An integrated population model for a long-lived ungulate: more efficient data use with Bayesian methods. Oikos 124: 806-816.
- Hansen BB, Isaksen K, Loe LE, Haugen JE, Benestad RE, Milner J, Van der Wal R, Varpe Ø (2015). Varmere, våtere svalbardvintre: konsekvenser for natur og samfunn. MET Report no. 20/2015.
- Environmental Research Letters 9:114021. Hansen BB, Isaksen K, Benestad RE, Kohler J, Pedersen ÅØ, Loe LE, Coulson SJ, Larsen JO, Varpe Ø (2014) Warmer and wetter winters: characteristics and implications of an extreme weather event in the High Arctic.
- Van der Wal R, Stien A (2014) High Arctic plants like it hot: a long-term investigation of between-year variability in plant biomass. Ecology 95: 3414-3427.
- Science 339:313-315. Hansen BB, Grøtan V, Aanes R, Sæther B-E, Stien A, Fuglei E, Ims RA, Yoccoz NG, Pedersen ÅØ (2013) Climate Events Synchronize the Dynamics of a Resident Vertebrate Community in the High Arctic.
Video clip Lee et al. (2015, Oikos)
Video clip reindeer capture
Video clip icing event
Video clip icing experiment on Cassiope tetragona
Dr. Brage Bremset Hansen
Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (CBD), Dynamics of Arctic Ecosystems Group
Dept. of Biology
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
NO-7491 Trondheim
Phone: +47 41604443
E-mail: brage.b.hansen[at]
MSc/PhD projects
- Laura Bartra Cabre (current) Community dynamics under extreme climatic events. PhD NTNU
- Mikael Sætre (current) Barnacle geese population dynamics under future climate change. MSc NTNU.
- Iselin Helløy (current) Effects of experimental icing events on shrub energy allocation trade-offs. MSc NTNU
- Halvor Røssum (current) Effects of experimental icing and thaw-freeze events on arctic plant communities. MSc NTNU
- Jann Detampel (2021) Effects of experimental icing and thaw-freeze events on Bistorta vivipara. MSc UNIS
- Kay Banu Lenz (current) Relative impacts of climate change and trophic interactions on snow bunting reproduction. MSc NTNU
- Simen Karlsen (current) Spatial population synchrony under climate change. MSc NTNU
- Peeters B (2020) Eco-evolutionary implications of climate-harvest interactions in a high Arctic ungulate. PhD NTNU
- Maria Gravelsæther (2021) Effects of arthropod abundance on snow bunting reproduction. MSc NTNU
- Kjerstin Hilmarsen (2020) Body mass growth in snow bunting nestlings as response to variation in arthropod abundance. MSc NTNU
- Le Moullec M (2019) Spatiotemporal variation in abundance of key tundra species: from local heterogeneity to large-scale synchrony. PhD NTNU
- Layton-Matthews K (current) Population dynamics of high Arctic barnacle geese. PhD NTNU
- Burnett H (current) Population-genetic impacts of Svalbard reindeer reintroduction programs. MSc NTNU
- Valøen K (current) Experimental effects of soil and moss moisture on NDVI in the high Arctic. MSc NTNU
- Fjelldal MA (2019) Climate-density effects on age of first reproduction in barnacle geese. MSc NTNU
- Lillehaug E (current) Effects of climate and predations on snow bunting reproduction. MSc NTNU
- Røed SB (2018) Detection of trace elements in Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) faeces. MSc NTNU
- Sandal L (2017) The Moran effect in a changing high Arctic climate: spatial synchrony in Salix polaris tree-ring growth. MSc NTNU
- Hovdal SB (2017) Phenological effects of climate change on high Arctic vegetation: an experimental approach. MSc NTNU
- Haraldsen HK (2017) Experimental summer and winter warming effects on high Arctic graminoids. MSc NTNU
- Grotheim, M (2017) Disentangling effects of summer warming and winter icing on high Arctic tundra plants: an experiment. MSc NTNU
Public outreach
- 2018: Gemini story on Bart Peeters' study of changes in winter climate, rain-on-snow and icing.
- 2018: Mathilde Le Moullec wins the 2018 photography competition of the British Ecological Society, category "Art of Ecology" (student prize). Read the story behind the photo in Le Moullec et al 2018 Journal of Ecology.
- 2017: Carbon Brief (about animal sex ratio and climate change)
- 2016: Gemini (about icing experiment on vegetation)
- 2015: Arctic Deeply (News Deeply, NY), P4 news (national radio channel), Yale Climate Connections (US, podcast for 200 radio channels)
- 2014: AAAS Science, Scientific American, Dagsavisen, Science Daily,, NRK, The Independent, Gemini, Adresseavisen, Smithsonian magazine
- 2013: Gemini, NRK1 TV - Schrödingers katt (popular science), Adresseavisen, NRK, Under Dusken, Nature magazine (Editor's highlights), Arctic Oracles (Randall Hyman blog), Berliner Zeitung, Dagens Nyheter, Deutschlandfunk (radio show), Die Welt, (Chinese),, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Wienerzeitung, Gemini, Science Daily, Cosmos magazine