University Museum Working group - Campus development
Working group
Working group
At the start of the semester in 2018, a working group was established to prepare a needs analysis and a facility plan, in cooperation with the project organization and the architects.
In the first half of 2019, the working group completed the function description and prepared the room program.
In the work with the functional description, the working group has had regular meetings about every 14 days. The working group has been divided into three thematic subgroups for exhibition areas, magazines and hubs and public reception. The theme groups have had separate special meetings.
Function description
Function description
The working group's task was initially to create a function description for an ideal area solution for magazines, exhibition areas and reception for the University Museum, without taking into account the current organization and the building mass and without making suggestions for specific solutions.
Participants in the working group
Participants in the working group
The working group consisted of representatives from NTNU University Museum, Gunnerus Library, the campus project, Campus Services Division, employee representatives, the Property Division, students, architects and the client for the construction project:
NTNU University Museum:
Ellen Grav Ellingsen - Archaeology, employee representative
Emma Cyvin Øylov - Exhibitor
Jørgen Fastner - Conservation
Per Gätzschmann - Taxidermist
Karstein Hårsaker – Zoological collections, union representative
Torkel Johansen – Archaeological collections, security
Morten Sylvester - Security Coordinator
Ivar Margido Jensås - Division Director/Head og Administration
Gunnerus Library:
Stein Olle Johansen - Head of Section
Inger Langø - deputy for Head of Section
Property Division:
Anne Karoline Simonsen – responsible for Kalvskinnet area
Campus Services Division:
Roger Arnesen - Head of Building Management Section
Marit Grønning-Moe - Head of Physical Security
Ingrid Johanne Berger - departmental student representative (ITV) for archaeology
Campus Development:
Jostein Arve Grytdal - Project Manager
Sissel Brandi Hansen - User Coordinator
Christel Vindenes - Communication advisor
Eva Helene Haanæs - Lusparken architects
Kjell Kristiansen - Lusparken architects
The working groups mandate 2018
- Describe the needs for exhibition and outreach areas.
- Describe reception areas, hubs.
- Describe the need for storage capacity.
- What must/should be made available and at what level.
- Describe the need for physical security and environmental control.
- Describe the scope of user equipment.
The working group’s mandate 2019:
Based on the functional program of 08.02.2019, the working group shall:
- Prepare a complete space program for the Science Museum. This involves proposing the organization and placement of magazines with associated functions. Other functions, including workplaces, should also be considered moved for an overall optimal solution. NTNU's area concepts are used as a basis.
- Contribute to the sketch project for new buildings with audience reception, hub and exhibition areas.
- Describe the scope of new user equipment and recycling rate.