The University Museum to be modernized
The University Museum to be modernized
The University Museum to be modernized
The NTNU University Museum, located at Kalvskinnet in Trondheim, will have its areas modernized for dissemination, exhibition and magazines. The modernization is part of the project of bringing NTNU's campus in Trondheim together in and around Gløshaugen.
NTNU University Museum is one of Norway's six university museums and part of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU. The museum is located at Kalvskinnet in the centre of Trondheim city, where you will find exhibitions, collections, museum administration, as well as the Department of Archaeology and Cultural History (IAK) and the Department of Natural History (INH).
Magazines for the ever-growing collection, which is an important part of NTNU's research infrastructure, both need renovation/modernization, technical updating and increased capacity. Modernization of the Science Museum involves redevelopment of existing areas, and new areas for exhibition.
Part of NTNU's unified campus
Up to 3500 m2 of magazine areas for the University Museum are financed as part of the cost and project framework for the project NTNU’s unified campus.
Storage and outreach facilities
NTNU has worked on plans for modernization of the University Museum over a long period, as well as creating a common public area together with the Gunnerus Library. The museum needs flexible and modern exhibition space that is better suited for communicating knowledge, dialogue and interaction with the public.
NTNU wants to look at new storage and outreach facilities as a whole, so that a larger part of the collections will be available to the public and can be used actively for dissemination.
Function description
Function description
In February 2019, a working group completed a function description for NTNU Science Museum. The function description contains a desired area solution for magazines, exhibition areas and public area and is the starting point for the further work on the renewal/ modernization of the museum.