

Any vacancies at NTNU related to the AI lab will be listed here. The list is not automatically updated, but all vacancies at NTNU can be found here.

Student engagements

Student engagements

Any student egagements will be posted here.

You can also find all student teaching assistant positions at the IE faculty on their website.

Research stay at the University of Waterloo within the field of AI

Research stay at the University of Waterloo within the field of AI

The International Work-Integrated-Learning in Artificial Intelligence project (IWIL AI) (2023-2026) is lead by The Department of Computer Science at NTNU, and is funded by the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir).

The iWIL AI project invites master’s and PhD students to apply for a research stay up to 6 months at the University of Waterloo, Canada. The call is open for all the master’s and PhD students who work on artificial intelligence related topics at the Department of Computer Science, NTNU. Students from other departments at NTNU may apply if they have a supervisor in the Department of Computer Science.

The dates of the stay must be within the duration of the PhD/master’s studies and the stay must be finalized no later than November 2026. The duration of the stay needs to be between 3-6 months. Before applying, the applicants must identify (in collaboration with their supervisors) a contact person or a research group at the University of Waterloo who they would like to work with. Please first check the attached list of faculty members from the University of Waterloo to identify this contact. The applicants should not initiate the contact. If the application is found to be successful, the communication will be initiated through the iWIl AI project coordinators. The timeline of the stay can be decided later in the process in connection with the applicant’s supervisor and the contact person at the University of Waterloo.

This is an open call and the committee will evaluate the applications as they come. There will be two calls for applications per year (in November and April) until November 2025. The IWIL AI project will fund stays with a monthly stipend, currently of NOK 7000 and in addition NOK 13820 for travel expenses.

For more information on how to apply please visit iWIL AIs website

Next application deadline: April 15 2024