Intro Collaborate with a master's student

Collaborate with a master's student

Do you have an exciting case for AI that is suited as a master's thesis project? Are you interested in collaborating with an AI student from NTNU? 

We encourage Norwegian companies and organisations to suggest cases for our master's students. Once a year, we organise an event with the aim to bring together students and companies and inspire to embark on a thesis collaboration project.

How to suggest a thesis

How to suggest a thesis

Please present your AI case in writing, addressing the following points:

  • A brief introduction to the company or unit in which the work will be carried out
  • A high-level problem description
  • Description of the data and how it will be made available
  • Potential challenges that you foresee when working on the data or another part of the thesis. 

To suggest a project, please download and use our template here. Please submit one project description for each of your suggested theses, unless they are so closely linked together that they are best presented together. To be able to evaluate the project suggestions and find suitable supervisors at NTNU we ask you to submit your proposals before March 11, 2024. Approved project ideas for which we have allocated suitable supervisors will be made available to our students at NTNU.

Some useful information:

Our colleagues at SFI NorwAI have made this useful guidance document, detailing how to work with master's students. Note that some of the points are only applicable for the SFI-partners.

Most students work on their project and thesis over one academic year, however some only spend one semester. Please specify whether you prefer a student working on the thesis for 1 or 2 semesters when you suggest a project. The master's theses can be performed by individual students or in groups of two students.

Master's theses can be purely technical with implementation and experiments. They can address research challenges or applications of AI. We also welcome project proposals that study innovation aspects or methodological aspects of using AI.

We recommend that you assign one person who can follow up the student. This person should be updated on the problem that the student is trying to solve, however it is not necessary that they have extensive experience in AI.

It is up to you how much time and effort you invest in following up the student. However, we believe that the more you make yourself available for the student, the better the end result will turn out.

Send us your project idea!

Send us your project idea!

We would like to hear from you! 

Master Safari, our upcoming event for presenting potential thesis projects for the students will be held April 25, 2024. Invites will be sent out to partners of NAIL and NorwAI that have submitted thesis proposals, and the event is co-organised with the student organisation BRAIN NTNU.

You can also contact us to learn more about this activity at any time. In order to get valuable feedback on your suggestion, we recommend to reach out sooner rather than later.

Roadmap to an AI Master's Thesis

Graphic: Benedikte Ytterli/NTNU

Youtube recording from webinar

Looking for some inspiration? 

Are you curious about collaborating with an AI student? Would you like to hear from students, teachers and professionals sharing their experience on how to make the most out of such collaborations? Check out this webinar from June 2021 for some great inspiration and useful advice!