AIM-Health - AI centre

AIM-Health – National Centre for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Healthcare

AI centre sketch 354351


We must think and act differently to prevent a major healthcare crisis in the next decade. Without a paradigm shift, the need for healthcare personnel will vastly outweigh the available resources. A dedicated investment in research on AI-based healthcare technology will help close this gap by enabling efficient delivery of high-quality care within the limited resources available. AIM-Health brings together a unique consortium of leading research groups, healthcare providers, users, and industry partners at the forefront of medical AI research. The centre will perform cutting-edge AI method development and trustworthy clinical evaluation and innovation, exploiting existing and new multi-modal data sources such as electronic health records, sensor data, patient-reported data, multilevel omics data, and medical images. This work will build on decades of domain experience and established infrastructure. AIM-Health will be a national effort to develop trustworthy AI technologies that will impact the entire breadth of the healthcare sector.

Partners and stakeholders

NTNU, UiB, UiT, UiO, SINTEF, HVL, NORCE, FHI, CRN NIPH, St. Olavs, OUS, UNN, HUS, Vestre Viken, Levanger Hospital, HUNT Research Centre, SPKI, Norwegian Centre for E-health Research, GE Healthcare, DNV, VitalThings, Livv Health, InMotion AI ThinkLab, Mia Health, The We Effect, DIPS, Eitri, NTNU-TTO, SINTEF-TTO, VIS TTO, HSØ – Innovasjon og E-helse, HUNT Cloud, TSD, SAFE, Helsedatasenteret, HUNT Biobank, InPreD, ELIXIR Norway, HEMIT, Helse Vest IKT, Helse Nord IKT, Sykehuspartner, NORA, PRESIMAL, NAIL, MIRA, KIN