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What is Geomatics?
What is Geomatics?
When we are working in Geomatics, we are making a digital representation of the real world. The Geomatics research group is covering the most important elements of Geomatics, both when it comes to research and education.
Collecting data about our physical environments, by the use of various sensors, is a central task in Geomatics. Types of sensors and methods depend on the phenomena we want to register. The use of digital photos, laser scanning and various satellites are good examples. All data used in Geomatics have one thing in common. They are all somehow related to a spatial component.
For the measuring of accurate positions we usually make use of satellite methods. Navigational systems like GPS, Glonass, Gallileo etc. are the most prominent systems. In order to make an accurate digital representation of the world these systems are prerequisite. Next, our computations in the “digital world” can be utilized for e.g. our navigation in the physical world.
When there exists a digital representation of our physical environments, it is be possible to do computations in order to simulate the situations and activities in the physical world. In a geographical information system it is possible to put together various types of data, representing both visible and non-visible phenomena. Further, we can do analysis based on these data and uncover hidden information.
In order to communicate the “digital world” to humans it is important to make good visualizations. This can be through realistic 3D models displayed on a computer screen or by the use of VR-systems. Visualizing the actual phenomena on a 2D map by the use of excellent cartography is another efficient and widely used method.
Head of Research Group
Head of Research Group