

Frost protection of Roads and Railways

In cold winters we experience frost heave problems on both newly constructed and existing roads and railways. This accelerates deterioration and reduces the bearing capacity of the structures during spring time, and consequently increases maintenance costs.

Since the large research program "Frost i Jord" ended about 40 years ago, very little research has been done in Norway on this problem. Since then, used materials have changed from the well graded natural gravel to more coarse and openly graded crushed/blasted rock. There is no good understanding of the equivalent thermal conductivity of these materials including internal convection and radiation. Existing frost susceptibility criteria
for soils and coarse material are mainly based on grain size distribution and allowable fines content. However, the mineralogy of the fines is also an important factor to consider.

In this project we plan to investigate materials in the laboratory and field conditions, and build a numerical model to simulate different climate conditions, thickness of structures and material combinations. We will educate two PhD-students in this project. One student will focus on frost susceptibility of subgrade soils and pavement materials. The second one will make an assessment of the frost protection layer. 

The project is a co-operation between several partners in Norway and Canada and all partners are representetd in the scientific advisory board.

Contact information


Elena Scibilia

Researcher Elena Scibilia

Elena Scibilia 


Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Tekst_Scientific publications

Illustration book

Scientific publications 


Inge Hoff, Elena Sciblia, Karlis Rieksts, Benoit Loranger, Arnstein Watn

Sluttrapport FROST-prosjektet.

Rapport NTNU mai 2020


Inge Hoff and Arnstein Watn.
Design of roads using frost insulation materials - case study new E6 in Hedmark, Norway .
Report NTNU 2019.

Kuznetsova, Elena; Skoglund, Kjell Arne; Aksnes, Jostein; Rieksts, Karlis; Hoff, Inge.

Evaluation of the Norwegian gradation based regulations for frost susceptibility of aggregates in roads and railways. ICOP2016

Rieksts, Karlis; Hoff, Inge; Kuznetsova, Elena; Côté, Jean.
Laboratory investigations of thermal properties of crushed rock materials. ICOP 2016


Picture of Inge Hoff

Inge Hoff 


Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)


Illustration book

Popular publications 

Kuznetsova, Elena and Hoff, Inge. Frost-prosjekt: Nye kalde og harde faktaVåre veger 2017 (2) s.61-65 (In Norwegian)

Kuznetsova, Elena; Hoff, Inge. Her leter NTNU etter teleløsning.Arbeidets rett [Newspaper] 2016-09-10 (In Norwegian)

Hoff, Inge; Kuznetsova, Elena. Historisk satsning på steinforskningVåre veger 2016 (2) s. 80-82 (In Norwegian)


Karlis Rieksts

Karlis Rieksts 

Post doc researcher

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)


benoit Loranger

Benoit Loranger 

Ph.D Candidate

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)


Illustration partners


Jostein Aksnes - Norwegian Public Roads Administration

Juan Barrera - Bane Nor (rail administration)

Geir Berntsen - Norwegian Public Roads Administration

Thomas Bjørhusdal - Glasopor

Svein Willy Danielsen - Geomaterials Consultant

Ole Arild Haugum - Forset Grus AS

Oddvar Hyrve - Leca AS

Roar Nålsund - Bane Nor

Kjell Arne Skoglund - Norwegian Public Roads Administration

