Hydropower Development Seminar
50 year Anniversary Seminar
June 12th we will arrange a reunion and a seminar as a part of the 50 year anniversary for the HydroPower Development program (HPD).
The goal of the seminar is to highlight the impact NORAD’s effort to build competency have had within renewable and sustainable energy development and create an arena to communicate this to a broad audience. Therefore we invite all previous students to come to Trondheim to share their experiences and how the Hydropower Development program have helped them in their career and on the development of Hydropower in their home country and not at least to meet old friends and share good memories.
Leaders from NORAD and the Norwegian energy sector are invited to the seminar to talk about their plans and international ambitions. What are the challenges they meet internationally, what needs do they see for competency and local capacity and how can these be met. We will use this seminar to adress these questions and how education and the HPD program can play an important role.
We hope this also will be an opportunity to give feedback on the program, to identify current and future needs of education within the hydropower and renewable energy sector internationally, and to establish and shape future cooperation.
And that we togheter can path the way and shape the future for hydropower development and contribute to NTNU's vision
"Knowledge for a better world"