Venue map

Venue map

Conference venue: Realfagsbygget

Monday through Wednesday

Conference venue: Realfagsbygget

The venue for the first three days of the conference (Monday through Wednesday) is NTNU Realfagsbygget, the new natural science building at the south end of the Gløshaugen plateau:

Map by MazeMap

All tutorials, keynotes and oral presentations will take place in the R5 auditorium, while posters are on display in the foyer immediately outside. If you zoom in on the Mazemap above, you will find the exact location. You can also find the auditorium using this link. We recommend Mazemap to navigate the campus. Lunch is served at SiT Kafe Realfag just one staircase up. 

Conference venue: Elektrobygget


Conference venue: Elektrobygget

The venue for the last day of the conference is Elektrobygget further north on the Gløshaugen campus, housing the departments of electrical engineering:

Map by MazeMap

All keynotes and oral presentations on Thursday will take place in the EL6 auditorium, while posters are on display in the foyer immediately outside. If you zoom in on the Mazemap above, you will get the exact location inside the building. You can also find the auditorium using this link. Lunch is served at SiT Kafe Magneten very close by. 

Reception: "To Tårn"

Monday evening

Reception: "To Tårn"

The reception on Monday evening will take place at Cafe To Tårn with a magnificent view of the Western front of the Nidaros Cathedral, the largest medieval cathedral in Scandinavia and Norway's national sanctuary. During the reception we will enjoy some light snack and the good company of our fellow delegates. You will find the Cafe here:

Concert venue: Rockheim

Tuesday evening

Concert venue: Rockheim

The concert on Tuesday evening will take place at Rockheim, the national museum of popular music. The building itself has won prices for its ingenious remake of an old storehouse with its characteristic "hat" of LED lights. The museum is well worth a visit! You find it here:

Conference dinner: Ringve Music Museum

Wednesday evening

Conference dinner: Ringve Music Museum

The conference dinner on Wednesday evening will be held at Ringve Music museum, Norway's national music museum. surrounded by a beautiful botanical garden. We strongly recommend a return visit in late spring when the garden is blooming.

We will arrange bus transportation to Ringve from outside the Nidaros Cathedral, but for those curious souls out there, you can find the museum here:



Realfagsbygget.Realfagsbygget. Photo by Stig Sund / NTNU NT

Nidaros cathedral (To Tårn to the left)

Nidaros cathedral (To Tårn to the left)

Nidaros CathedralNidaros Cathedral



RockheimRockheim. Photo by Rockheim/Geir Mogen

Ringve music museum

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Our generous sponsors










13 Dec 2015

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