Headline Sustainable Healthy Futures

AFINO pilot:

Sustainable Healthy Futures


Description pilot: Sustainable Healthy Futures

In 2022 AFINO and NTNU Health joined forces to develop an innovative project to promote sustainable health in Norway. For decades the financial sustainability of modern healthcare system has stirred wave after wave of healthcare reform, without solving the problem. The social sustainability of the western approach to health is also increasingly questioned: satisfaction with the healthcare system is declining, job satisfaction among nurses and doctors is deteriorating, health inequities are persistent, chronic diseases and lifestyle diseases are on the rise and mental health issues looms larger than ever. Finally, in the face of the threats of climate change and chemical pollution, reducing carbon emissions and toxic waste is imperative, and yet the health sector has not yet begun to reverse the trend of increasing dangerous emissions. Sustainability in the health sector may well seem a mirage. So, how can we cultivate reasonable hope?

We want to plant seeds of change, from which new patterns of sustainability may grow. We want to try new paths that may usher a better future. We are acting on two different levels and hence the project has two tiers.

Facilitating sustainability-oriented research
In 2022 NTNU funded 13 PhD projects in sustainable healthcare and medical research. After having organised a workshop in September 2022 to help prospective applicants to think about sustainability, we are now offering our support to honour their commitment to sustainability.
Read more about our plan and methods.

Rethinking health in society
Health is personal, just as much as it is social and political. Rethinking the social commitment to health is as ambitious as it is necessary to achieve sustainable healthy futures. But what are healthy futures? This is the real question. If you wonder how we are going tackle it, read more.


What has happend?

What has happened?

Photo the Health pilot group


The team, top row from left : Giovanni De Grandis, Sissel Fibecker Ladegaard (DBT), Liv Eggset Falkenberg. Bottom row: Tora Bonnevie, Ann Iren Jamtøy, Bjørn Bedsted (DBT), Andrea Nielsen and Natalia Murashova.. Photo: Natalia Murashova
The team, top row from left : Giovanni De Grandis, Sissel Fibecker Ladegaard (DBT), Liv Eggset Falkenberg. Bottom row: Tora Bonnevie, Ann Iren Jamtøy, Bjørn Bedsted (DBT), Andrea Nielsen and Natalia Murashova. Photo: Natalia Murashova.

The first AFINO Hackathon

Group work at the first AFINO Hackathon in Trondheim, April 2023. Photo: Eva H. Murvold
Group work at the first AFINO Hackathon in Trondheim, April 2023. Photo: Eva H. Murvold.

The first AFINO Hackathon

The first AFINO Hackathon was held 18th April 2023, in Trondheim.

Read an interview about the event and experiences from it.  

(April 28th, 2023)

Future Literacy Lab

Photo from Futures Litaracy, with Per Koch in main focus.
Per Koch from NIFU led the Future Literacy lab in Trondheim. Photo: Eva H. Murvold.

Future Literacy lab

See the tweet / X about the event:


NIFU report

NIFU report

Read the report from NIFU (Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning): 
Framtidslaboratorium om bærekraftig helse i Norge i 2070 (published 18.12.2023).

The report is based on the Future Literacy lab AFINO co-organized with NIFU and NTNU Health in May 2023.


Bringing citizens' vision into health innovation

Groupwork at the citizen engagement workshop. Photo: Liv Eggset Falkenberg.
Engaged citizen's at the workshop. Photo: Liv Eggset Falkenberg.

Bringing citizens' vision into health innovation

The Sustainable Healthy Futures pilot project ran a citizen engagement workshop in Trondheim the first weekend i November, 2023.

Read more about their experiences here.

(November 8th, 2023)