AFINO International Conference
One of AFINO's key aims has been to foster strong networks. For the AFINO International Conference, we invited researchers from all over the world and across a wide range of disciplines to join discussions on RRI, CSR, values, ethics, and transdisciplinarity.
So, how did it go?
We are thrilled to share that the conference was a great success!
With more than 100 participants from 55 different institutions globally, we experienced an incredible level of enthusiasm and engagement. We’re truly overwhelmed – in the best possible way!
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated, contributed, and supported us towards this important event!
Find an overview of what has been written about the conference, both from our archive and from others here.
A few photos from the events in Oslo the last week in August, 2024, below.
All photos: Eva H. Murvold/NTNU.
About the AFINO International Conference
Are we directing research and innovation towards desirable goals and a more sustainable future? Are we involving everyone who is affected, and everyone who can contribute towards reaching these goals?
AFINO is a network and learning centre for responsible research and innovation and corporate social responsibility, financed by the Research Council of Norway (2019-2024). Our aim is to develop new skills and methods to ensure that innovation is responsible, sustainable and just.
This conference will display results of the AFINO network project and encourage a broad conversation with international experiences and research with comparable aims. This will be a great opportunity to discuss ideas, achievements, challenges and point towards future development of responsible research and innovation and corporate responsibility in Norway and beyond. We invite researchers from all over the world and from a broad set of disciplines to join us in discussions on RRI, CSR, values, ethics, and transdisciplinarity with an eye to the future.
Contact and questions
Any practical questions can be directed to:
Conference Chair: Conference secretariat & communication: