Welcome to the AFINO Research School

Welcome to the AFINO Research School

Circular photo of pile of books.
Photo: Colourbox

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) have become in the last years important modes of doing research.
However, RRI and CSR researchers and practitioners
are facing fundamental questions at many levels:

  • How to concretely implement RRI/CSR in meaningful, caring and fair ways?

  • How to evaluate RRI/CSR and its short- and long-term impacts?

  • How to navigate the various sources of resistance to RRI/CSR, for instance disciplinary traditions which RRI/CSR are not entirely congruent with?

  • How does the role and shape of RRI/CSR evolve in a context of uncertainty, complexity and emergency?

The AFINO research school aims to help researchers and practitioners address these questions by being a reflexive platform where the RRI and CSR communities in Norway can learn, reflect, share experiences and discuss the above topics.
The research school is articulated around one-week summer schools and shorter events (such as workshops) to nurture an ongoing learning and reflexive process, where researchers and practitioners learn about and critically discuss aspects of RRI and CSR and their concrete implementation in their own research projects.

For more information, contact Anne Blanchard (leader of the AFINO Research School).




7.-10. October 2024: AFINO Autumn School in Jondal, Hardanger.
Topic: Research and policy around RRI: tensions and opportunities.
Join in and discuss the tensions and opportunities around RRI research and policy, together with the Norwegian Research Council. 
Find out more and register for the final AFINO Research School. 


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