Jacob Dahl Rendtorff bio

Jacob Dahl Rendtorff

Professor of philosophy of management and business ethics at the Department of Business and Social Sciences, Roskilde University

Jacob Dahl Rendtorff, PhD and Dr. Scient. Adm. is professor of philosophy of management and business ethics at the Department of Business and Social Sciences, Roskilde University, Denmark.

Rendtorff’s research has a broad perspective on organization theory, management, responsibility, ethics and legitimacy of business firms and corporations, corporate social responsibility, business ethics, sustainability, bioethics and biolaw, human rights, political theory and philosophy of law. Rendtorff is educated in philosophy and political sciences in Copenhagen, Paris and Berlin, and he has been visiting professor in many universities (Utrecht, Rome, Freiburg, Boston, Stanford, Santa Clara, Louvain, Shanghai, Besancon, Paris, and Tubingen).

Rendtorff has written and edited on issues of existentialism and hermeneutics, French philosophy, ethics, bioethics, business ethics and philosophy of management as well as philosophy of law. Rendtorff’s recent publications are Handbook of Business Legitimacy, Springer 2020, Philosophy of Management and Sustainability, Emerald 2019, Cosmopolitan Business Ethics. Towards a Global Ethos of Management, Routledge 2017 and Stakeholder Theory a Model for Strategic Management, Springer 2016. Rendtorff is a member of the steering committee of the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) and of the Steering Committee of FISP (International Federation of Philosophical Societies). Rendtorff is editor of the Springer Series Ethical Economy, associate editor of Social Responsibility Journal (Emerald) and European editor of Journal of Business Ethics Education.
Presently, Rendtorff’ s main research interests are philosophy of management, stakeholder theory, sustainability, CSR, and cosmopolitan business ethics.

Jacob Dahl Rendtorff photo

Photo of Jacob Dahl Rendtorff