Headline Food Waste Reduction Pathways & Index (PAX) - pilot

AFINO pilot:

Food Waste Reduction Pathways & Index (PAX)

Description pilot: Food Waste Reduction Pathways & Index (PAX)

The problem and our purpose

Only in recent years full awareness of the catastrophic proportion of food waste has emerged and prompted initiatives to tackle it. Interest and activity on the part of policy makers, industry, consumers and researchers have grown steadily in the last 15 years. At a global level, this is shown by the appearance of the reduction of food loss and waste as the target of SDG 12.3 and the creation of Food Waste Index (and a Food Loss Index) by UNEP. In Europe the EU has adopted the Farm to Fork strategy that include among its four key targets, Food Loss and Waste prevention.

In Norway too things have been moving since 2007, and the food industry has taken a proactive and leading role that found expression first in the creation of Matvett to promote action and then in the signing of the Industry Agreement setting food waste reduction targets and signed by 104 companies.

The pilot project that we are presenting builds on this agreement and aims at developing an innovative tool to promote effective progress towards food reduction in Norway and meeting SDG 12.3. We want to help Norway to become a leader in food waste reduction and the Norwegian food sector to become an example of social responsibility and leadership towards a sustainable world.

The idea of a Waste Reduction Pathways and Index (PAX)

Currently, lack of data and knowledge sharing and lack of mutual trust among the sector stakeholders prevent more substantial improvements in food waste reduction. The sustainability goal (SDG 12.3) cannot be achieved simply by encouraging better internal performance of each company but needs some systemic changes that can only be achieved through more collaboration and trust within the sector. Therefore, we are proposing a new tool: the Food Waste Reduction Pathways and Index (PAX). This tool integrates data collection, reflection on internal performance and systemic barriers, and tailored targets setting and monitoring.  This integrated approach will help companies to identify priorities, empower and compel them to collaborate towards promoting the needed systemic changes, and provide incentives.


How could it work? Possible structure and mechanisms

The proposed tool (PAX for short) uses the existing reporting system (to which it proposes some upgrades) and integrates it with the Progress Pathways (PPs) and the Performance and Contribution Index (PCI). By closely linking the knowledge generation and the planned action, PAX is a flexible and adaptive tool, that keeps growing and responds to emerging challenges and opportunities. 

Illustration pilot description

 Illustration of the interactive and integrative nature of PAX
Figure: The iterative and integrative nature of PAX


The reporting system provides knowledge about companies’ performance as well as about barriers to improvement. The latter type of information needs to be reinforced, so that it will become the starting point for the formulation of progress pathways. Based on the analysis of the data on barriers to food waste reduction, three types of barriers will be identified: sectoral barriers, sub-sectoral barriers (i.e. affecting a subset of the sector) and company-level barriers. Task forces composed of companies representatives and interested external stakeholders prepare progress pathways (one for the whole sector, and as many as needed for sub-sectoral and company level barriers) documents that identify the priorities for action for the next period (e.g. 3 years). Every member of PAX is required to subscribe to the sectoral progress pathway (henceforth PP) and to at least one sub-sectoral PP (when applicable) and one company level PP.

Every company has the task of operationalizing the PPs endorsed through setting measurable targets to be submitted to the task forces for approval or revision. Once approved, they become the benchmark against which the Index will measure their performance and contribution.

The Performance and Contribution Index (PCI) measures to what extent companies are meeting the PP targets. The index has two dimensions. The first measures the improvements in their internal performances. The second measures their contribution to collective (sectoral or sub-sectoral) actions and to knowledge- and/or capabilities- and/or risk-sharing.

Pilot partners

An AFINO pilot project in partnership with:

PAX pdf

Download and view the presentation:

PAX - From data collection to collective action


What has happend?

What has happened?

A taste of AFINO's first pilot at the first Nordic Food Forum

Giovanni De Grandis presenting at the Nordic Food Forum
Giovanni De Grandis presenting at the Nordic Food Forum. Photo: Hilde Skar Olsen, Lund University

 A taste of AFINO's first pilot at the first Nordic Food Forum

The first edition of the Nordic Food Forum held in Trondheim turned out to be a great occasion for AFINO to present the Food Waste Reduction Pathways and Index: its first pilot project.

Read more about the event here.

(September 26th, 2022)