Year Schedule
20 des 2022
Krysspublisert artikkel ID: 1273036629 / deling
Year Schedule
This is the year schedule for the Master’s Degree Programme in Information Security, the Master’s Degree programme in Applied Computer Science and the Experience-based Master’s Programme in in Information Security at NTNU.
Information about the autumn semester:
- Mandatory start Seminar for new master students.
- Lectures/schedule. For further details, check "Programme components" and courses.
- Autumn semester schedule/timetable and potentially also exam dates, will be available during July-early August. Schedule dates and examination dates will be published per course - see "Course descriptions" from the course table in "Programme components".
- Spring semester details per course will be available/published during December.
- More details about each course will be available through "Blackboard" (Digital course rooms/Learning Management System) from the beginning of August (semester registration is required).
- The course period for 7,5 ECTS courses lasts from August through November (teaching), and November as well as December for examination. Exceptions may occur, sometimes (but very rarely) courses will be organized as intensive courses during half a semester (details should be included in the Course description, see Course table from “Programme components”).
- Exam period end of semester - Details in NTNU "Study Calendar". Written exams during end of November and December, in the spring semester examinations take place from mid-May through June. Home examinations, oral exams and hand-in-projects (=exam) can be held outside the main exam period. This will be announced on a per course level.
- Re-sit exams will take place in the beginning of August.
- Intranet / "Innsida" channel per programme is the most important information channel for your study programme, including general information, announcements and reminders. In addition, keep an eye on the "All students" channel.
- Blackboard - your online classroom "learning management system": the main channel for information & communication regarding each course when you have signed on. The Blackboard room will be available the day following the day you have registered for a course - do the registration as soon as possible! Please note that selected courses use different learning management systems. Where this is the case, this will be announced by the corresponding course coordinator at the beginning of the semester.
Information about the spring semester:
- Details about spring semester courses will be available on "Blackboard" from the beginning of December (semester registration is required!). Spring semester registration will open approximately on 1st December; use this possibility to get access to more information about the spring courses you intend to take.
- Also, schedule and exam information per course will be published during (at the latest) December.
- Semester 2 = Spring: No programme-level seminars are planned; "only" activities per course. Check your course schedule/Timeplan.
- Lectures & teaching activities from the beginning of January, check schedule per course/course code and StudyCalendar
- Exam period at the end of the semester: mid-May through June
- Re-sit exams (both Autumn and Spring semester courses) take place in August.
The final semester / Master Thesis MACS490, MIS4900, IMT4905:
- Master thesis Seminars/workshop/briefing: We will invite to 1 half-day class meeting during January in your last semester. Check Schedule MACS490, MIS4900, IMT4905 + Blackboard Master-the room + Intranet programme channel. Fulltime students: To be completed in 6 months (1 semester/Jan-June or Aug-Dec), part time students (MIS-D and MISEB) can spend 2 semesters (50% student).
- Master Thesis Agreement student & supervisor & any external company to be handed in during January or August. Approved online by supervisor and the Department.
- Master Thesis hand-in: Spring semester: June, autumn semester: December
- Master Thesis presentation: Mid-June or beginning of January. Attendance is required!