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Noodles and IA Sciences

Master's Degree Programme - 2 years, Trondheim - Gjøvik

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NB! Language of instruction: Norwegian

Read more about the programme on the Norwegian website

About the programme

About the programme

(Denne teksten kan godt holdes kort)

The subject of biology ranges from the wonders going on inside cells, to the classification and behaviour of plants and animals, the evolution of species, and the interaction of ecosystems on Earth. Biology will help us understand the life that surrounds us, and it is the best tool we have in order to achieve sustainable development. Knowledge of biology is therefore needed in many different occupations and instances in society.

You can choose one of the following main profiles:

  • Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Physiology
  • Marine Biology and Aquaculture
  • Ecology, Behaviour and Evolutionary Biology

Delling 33170959

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Admission Samordna Opptak (sharing)


Language of instruction: Norwegian

You have to meet the Norwegian language requirements, or have a Scandinavian language as your mother tongue, if you want to apply to any of NTNU’s degree programmes taught in Norwegian.

The application deadline for the programme is April 15th. Students apply through Samordna Opptak.

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For more general inquiries regarding admissions, you can contact the admissions office at NTNU.