Organization - SUSHP 2023
SUSHP 2023
Program committee
Jo Halvard Halleraker (Chair)
Chief engineer, NEA
Liv Randi Hultgreen (Co-chair)
Executive Director, NTNU/HydroCen
Tor Haakon Bakken (Co-chair)
Professor, NTNU/HydroCen
Anders Skarstedt (Co-chair)
Analyst, SWAM
Kjetil Lønborg Jensen (Co-chair)
Senior advisor, NEA
Ingrid Haug
Senior advisor, NVE
Atle Harby
Senior Scientist, SINTEF Energy/HydroCen
Line Sundt-Hansen
Senior Research Scientist, NINA/HydroCen
Vegard Pettersen
Policy advisor, Renewable Norway
Ulrich Pulg
Senior Researcher, NORCE
International Advisory Committee
Dr. Brenda M. Pracheil (USA)
Fisheries Biologist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Dr. Brenda Pracheil is an Earth scientist and fisheries biologist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Associate Editor of Methods in Ecology and Evolution, and Governing Board Chair of the Low Impact Hydropower Institute. Her current work broadly focuses primarily on environmental sustainability of hydropower and aquatic conservation
Dr. Ing. Emanuele Quaranta (Italy)
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC, Ispra)
Dr. E. Quaranta is a hydropower scientist at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (Ocean and Water unit), presently coordinating the SustHydro exploratory research on sustainable hydropower, where the potential for sustainable hydropower in Europe has been assessed, including retrofitting, hybridization and hidden hydropower. Dr. Quaranta is the scientific responsible of the hydropower section of the Clean Energy Technology Observatory, is involved in several international discussion tables and was in 2022 included in the top 2% list of the most influential scientist in the world.
Emanuele Quaranta - LinkedIn | Emanuele Quaranta - ResearchGate
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martin Schletterer (Austria)
ecologist at TIWAG (Tiroler Wasserkraft AG) and Licensed instructor at University of life sciences (BOKU, Vienna), Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management (IHG).
Dr Schletterer was one of the key editors of the book Novel Developments for Sustainable Hydropower from the FitHydro-project. He has a wide experience working as an ecologist with ecological mitigation for a large hydropower company in the alps (TIWAG), and have been involved in many international R&D projects about ecosystem based management in Russia and other countries in Europe.
Martin Schletterer - | Martin Schletterer - ResearchGate
Dr. Åsa Widén (Sweden)
Ecologist, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Dr. Åsa Widén have been involved in many studies on regulated rivers and constructs measures to improve the functions of the ecosystem. The measures can be environmental flows or/and structural measures to improve the physical habitat in the regulated river. She also has work with river basin management for several years, and is currently holding a postdoc position at SLU in Umeå (Northern Sweden)
Local organizing committee
Berit G. Hagen
Centre Coordinator, NTNU/HydroCen
Heidi Kvamme Antonsen
Advisor, NEA
Hanne K. Sandtorv
Advisor, NTNU
Links & affiliations
Main organizers
HydroCen - FME, HydroCEN - NTNU
NEA - Norwegian Environment Agency
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), NTNU Energy Team Hydropower - NTNU
SWAM - Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
NINA - Norwegian Institute of Nature Research
NORCE/LFI - NORCE Norwegian Research Centre Research, science and innovation
NVE - Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate
Reneawable Norway (Fornybar Norge)
SINTEF Energy - SINTEF Energy research