Admission - PhD-programme in Architecture
In order to be admitted to the PhD programme, the applicant must hold a master's degree or an equivalent education. In accordance with NTNU's PhD regulations, the applicant must have a weighted average grade over the last 2 years (equivalent to 120 credits) of their master's degree programme or equivalent education, equal to or higher than B compared to NTNU's grading scale. Candidates who do not meet these admission requirements must document a satisfactory theoretical background and/or experience that establishes as probable that the Candidate is qualified for the PhD programme. The faculty may also ask the applicant to complete relevant exams with an approved grade of B or higher, before the applicant is admitted to the PhD programme.
The application must contain a satisfactory plan for the training programme and a project description developed in cooperation with possible supervisors at the faculty.
Approx. 6 months into the programme, a revised project description must be submitted to the PhD Committee for approval. Approx. one year into the programme, the project description must be revised and presented as part of the faculty's supervision and communication activities in an open PhD hearing.