Project assignments
Specialization Course
Specialization Course
Project assignments:
Civil Engineering:
Check with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering regarding IBM specialization project assigments. The deadline for students to submit their choice of topic for the specialization project is June 1st, but students must review the actual projects and contact the supervisor for the project(s) of most interest well before the deadline. Course codes for Proman students are:
Production and Quality Engineering:
Check with the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering regarding MTP specialization project assignments. The deadline for students to complete the project application is April 24th. Students select two projects by order of priority, and will be assigned one. Feedback on specialization project assignments will be given by June 5th. Course codes for Proman students are:
Industrial Engineering:
Note: The following applies to Industrial Engineering track students only.
The project assignments are published online on April 2nd. Students have until May 5th to apply for 5 projects by order of priority. The specific selection will be communicated by May 15th.
Each supervisor can accommodate only a limited number of students. Some supervisors have listed several projects, which means some students might not get their first priority, even in cases where no one else have picked that same project. The Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT) will, to the extent possible, assign first or second choice projects.
A date for the commencement of work on the project is decided in cooperation with the supervisor.
Register for TIØ5225 (specialization course) and TIØ5230 (specialization project) for fall semester (Industrial Engineering track only).
Instruction in the specialization course normally begins in the week of August 18th (week no. 34) - check updated information on Blackboard!
Exams in the specialization course will be held as shown in the course description.
Deadline for submission of specialization project is December 16th, 2025.
Closing comments:
In addition to the suggested project options, it is possible to propose a self-defined project to possible supervisors. We recommend that you to talk to 2nd year students to discuss their experiences with different kinds of projects. A self-defined project may be a possibility, but it is not guaranteed.
Information on the specialization courses (PDF):
- Project Management (not active - last year's projects) PROJECTS FOR 2025 WILL BE PUBLISHED ON APRIL 2ND
Choose your specialization project here (Industrial Engineering track only, the form is open through May 2nd, 2024)