MSc in Project Management
MSc in Project Management
The Master of Science in Project Management is a two-year programme of study. Students choose among three engineering tracks; Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Production & Quality Engineering. In the first year, the students have six compulsory courses that count for a total of 45 ECTS, and two engineering courses (15 ECTS). In the third semester, the students have one elective engineering course (7.5 ECTS), an engineering specialization project (15 ECTS), and a mandatory specialization track course (7.5 ECTS). The fourth semester is devoted in its entirety to writing the individual master's thesis (30 ECTS).
The specialization project and the master's thesis are undertaken with one of the three collaborating departments, depending upon the elective engineering course in the first semester (which signals the choice of specialization). Students who choose TBA 4315 in the first semester will follow the Civil Engineering track with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (IBM); students who choose TIØ4265 will follow the Industrial Engineering track with the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT); and students who choose TPK4160 will follow the Production and Quality Engineering track with the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MTP).
Changes may occur until the study plan is confirmed. The study plan is confirmed at the beginning of each semester.
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Project Management - Master's Programme
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