Start of studies

Master in Interaction Design

Start of studies

Start of studies 2024

Start of studies 2024

Monday, August 12

Welcome Ceremony (Matriculation) for New Students at NTNU

Time: 13:00

Location: On the lawn by "Huset" at NTNU campus

This formal ceremony lasts approximately one hour. It will include cultural performances, speeches, a parade, and provide an insight into student life at NTNU. The matriculation ceremony is not mandatory but is very enjoyable for all new students.

Join Buddy week and meet new friends from the first day of your studies! All new students can participate.

Follow Buddy week on Facebook to see what's on.

Friday 16 August

Place: Mustad industrial park – "Fabrikken"

10:00 Welcome and information from the study program director and other employees
12:00 Introduction to Experts in Teamwork (EiT) and greeting the subject teachers
13:00 We treat you to lunch

You can easily get to campus by public transport:

Public transport in Gjøvik (

Find your way on campus

The MazeMap app will guide you to the different buildings and lecture rooms on campus.

Download the MazeMap app for Android (Google Play) and iPhone (AppStore).

NTNU has various part-time classes to help you learn Norwegian as a second language, including a free online course. 

Course timetables - If  there is no timetable, please contact the department responsible for the course

If you have any special needs, NTNU can provide several support services. Read more about special needs accommodation.

For questions regarding special needs on campus Gjøvik, please send an email to

Krysspublisert artikkel - ikke endre - ID: 1314987238

For new international students

Register for courses, create a user account, connect to wireless network etc.

Arrival checklist

Krysspublisert artikkel ID: 1315556005

Join our Facebook group

Feel free to join our Facebook group for applicants in Gjøvik. The information here will be in Norwegian.

Krysspublisert artikkel ID: 1331633354