About the programme - Web Design (aarweb) - One Year Study Programme - Gjøvik
Web Design
Web Design
This one-year course in web design is intended as an additional education to other studies.
You can also take the course as a preliminary study to find out whether you want to invest in further studies within web development, and also interaction design or graphic design to a certain extent.
The course is also suitable if you want a relevant academic background for web design.
About the programme
About the programme
In this course you will get a basic understanding of how modern web solutions are designed and built.
Combined with other studies, and as a start to an education, this one-year study can give you an edge in today’s working life, which bases much of its business on design.
As a student at NTNU in Gjøvik, you become part of a lively and active student environment. Here it is easy to get to know fellow students, both on your own course and on other fields of study. You also get close and good contact with lecturers and the professional environment.
The programme consists of 60 credits and can only be taken full-time on campus.
Some central topics are:
- graphic tools, principals and methods
- web coding: HTML, basic JS and advanced CSS
- user-centred design
- project management and technology management
This one-year programme in web design has 15 places. You must apply via Samordna opptak by 15 April.
Admission requirements
The admission requirement is a general university and college admissions certification, but you may also be admitted on the basis of an assessment of your real competence.
NB! This programme is taught in Norwegian. You have to meet the Norwegian language requirements, or have a Scandinavian language as your mother tongue, if you want to apply to any of NTNU’s degree programmes taught in Norwegian.
Do you have questions about course of study or life as a student?
We can help you with everything related to your studies, such as admissions, the study program and job opportunities.