NTNU Human Physiome
- NTNU Analysis, Design and Control of Microbial Systems
- NTNU Aquaculture Biotechnology
- NTNU Bioreactor Design and Operation
- NTNU Biopolymer Engineering
- NTNU Genome Editing
- NTNU Human Physiome
- NTNU Morphogenetic Engineering
- NTNU Phenomics Technology
- NTNU Tissue Engineering
- NTNU Synthetic Biology Engineering
- NTNU Therapeutic Targeting
- NTNU Responsible Research and Innovation
Finished project
(R) NTNU Human Physiome Blurb
NTNU Human Physiome
The concerted global efforts towards making integrated mathematical descriptions of human physiology
Research activity
The human physiome is the quantitative description of the functioning organism in normal and pathophysiological states. This research stream is driven by the conviction that if we are to succeed in developing a real predictive, preventive and participatory medicine envisioned by so many, there is no substitute for embedding our understanding of human physiology and human genomics into quantitative computational models and to make extensive use of these models throughout the whole spectrum of basic, translational and applied biomedical research.

The efficacy of computational models in physiology arises from their capacity to connect a comprehensive amount of empirical data into a functional whole, by enforcing explicit formulations of various hypotheses, by precisely framing the prediction space of hypotheses, by initiating and canalizing experimental or empirical work by pointing out key questions and the type of data needed, and last but not least, by functioning as highly efficient synthesizers of intellectual capital from various disciplines.
NTNU is represented at the Board of Directors of the Virtual Physiological Human Institute and it is tightly linked to the global IUPS Physiome Project. NTNU served as the host for the Virtual Physiological Human Conference 2014.