Musicology research

Musicology research

""Research concert at Dokkhuset. Photo: Lena Knutli

The musicology program includes research in music-historical and ethnomusicological studies, popular music and jazz, film music, opera, vocal traditions and music from various interdisciplinary perspectives. This entails that theoretical as well as methodological approaches vary, from studying source material and analysis to the multimedial and performance related.

Through its staff, musicology has an international network that includes participation in different research networks, projects and international publications. The staff's roots in five different nations strengthens the international perspective in the research activities.

Instruments, equipment, and sheet music

Research related

Research related

Research related links:
NordForskNOTAMAEC | The Research Council of Norway

Lars Karlsson and Øivind Farmen

Lars Karlsson and Øivind Farmen

YouTube: Annas visa with Lars Karlsson and Øivind Farmen, Fjärås Oktober 2013. 

Trondheim Voices & Batagraf

Trondheim Voices & Batagraf

YouTube: On Anodyne (Jon Balke) with Trondheim Voices & Batagraf, Molde 5 Mars 2015.

Håvard Lund & Vigleik Storaas

Håvard Lund & Vigleik Storaas

Vimeo: Live in Store Studio. Håvard Lund and Vigleik Storaas, Bodø 25 March 2011.

Norwegian Musical Heritage

Norwegian Musical Heritage


Norwegian Musical Heritage is a major national endeavour to secure that the works of Norwegian composers are conveyed to a wide audience through philological research, critical editing and publication. Of equal importance is the preservation of the musical sources through digitization.

Contact at the Department of Music: Randi M. Selvik.