Tore Størvold
I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Music, where I do research and teaching in musicology.
I have completed a project on music, nature, and cultural identity in Iceland. My monograph, Dissonant Landscapes: Music, Nature, and the Performance of Iceland, is published by Wesleyean University Press.
I have an interest in ecocriticism and music. I have published articles on pop music and the climate crisis and musical responses to hydro-power. I am particularly interested in the role of music for understanding and envisioning the human-environment relationship, for instance in my article on musical aesthetics and volcanic landscapes in Iceland. I am member of an interdisciplinary network for environmental humanities at my university. I am also taking part in NTNU's research program in the 'blue humanities'. My forthcoming article won the Jacqueline Carpine-Lancre Early Career Scholars Prize in Ocean History.
In my current research, I approach music and music-making as cultural technologies for the promotion of ecological literacy. I am especially interested in music's ability to express varied and exciting concepts of nature. Each year I teach a course on music, nature, and climate crisis.
I also have a research interest in film music and music in audiovisual culture. In that context, I have published articles on Hildur Guðnadóttir's music for the television series "Chernobyl" and on nature and masculinity in Justin Timberlake's music videos.
Devine, Kyle;
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel;
Størvold, Tore;
Kraugerud, Emil.
Supreme Auctions.
Music - composition
Størvold, Tore;
Tran, Kim Arvid Leon;
Lindquist, Ellen Sherry;
Wilhelmsen, Viktor Govasli.
NTNU Forskningskonsert: Musikk i landskap og landskap i musikk.
NTNU Forskningskonsert: Musikk i landskap og landskap i musikk
Other presentation
Størvold, Tore;
O’Shea, Susan.
On Dissonant Landscapes: Tore Størvold and Susan O’Shea, in conversation.
IASPM Journal
Academic article
Kraugerud, Emil;
Devine, Kyle;
Størvold, Tore;
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel.
Konsert med Podcasts, Sheffield.
Musical performance
Kraugerud, Emil;
Devine, Kyle;
Størvold, Tore;
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel.
Konsert med Podcasts, London.
Musical performance
Kraugerud, Emil;
Devine, Kyle;
Størvold, Tore;
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel.
Konsert med Podcasts, Oxford.
Musical performance
Kraugerud, Emil;
Devine, Kyle;
Størvold, Tore;
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel.
Konsert med Podcasts, Manchester.
Musical performance
Størvold, Tore.
Naturally Connected: Exploring Icelandic Artists’ Ties With Nature.
The Reykjavík Grapevine
Interview Journal
Størvold, Tore.
Erfitt fyrir tónlistarfólk að brjótast undan staðalímynd íslenskrar náttúru og þjóðernis.
Interview Journal
Devine, Kyle;
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel;
Størvold, Tore;
Kraugerud, Emil.
Summerland, 1992.
Music - composition
Størvold, Tore.
Dissonant Landscapes: Music, Nature, and the Performance of Iceland.
Wesleyan University Presss
Wesleyan University Presss
Academic monograph
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel;
Devine, Kyle;
Størvold, Tore;
Kraugerud, Emil.
Music - composition
Kraugerud, Emil;
Devine, Kyle;
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel;
Størvold, Tore.
Music - composition
Størvold, Tore;
Richardson, John.
Radioactive Music: The Eerie Agency of Hildur Guðnadóttir’s Music for the Television Series Chernobyl.
Music and the Moving Image
Academic article
Størvold, Tore.
Sounds Icelandic. Edited By Þorbjörg Daphne Hall, Nicola Dibben, Árni Heimir Ingólfsson and Tony Mitchell. Sheffield: Equinox, 2019. 233 pp. ISBN 13 978 1 78179 145 5.
Popular Music
Book review
Størvold, Tore.
Musical aesthetics below ground: volcanic action and the geosocial in Sigur Rós’s “Brennisteinn”.
Journal of Aesthetics and Culture
Academic article
Størvold, Tore.
Dissonant Landscapes: Nature and the Musical Imagination of Iceland.
07 Gruppen
07 Gruppen
Doctoral dissertation
Hawkins, Stan;
Størvold, Tore.
Justin Timberlake's "Man of the Woods": Lumbersexuality, Nature, and Larking Around.
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel;
Kraugerud, Emil;
Størvold, Tore;
Devine, Kyle.
Dragging the Lake.
Music - composition
Devine, Kyle;
Kraugerud, Emil;
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel;
Størvold, Tore.
First Things First.
Music - composition
Størvold, Tore.
Music and the Kárahnjúkar Hydropower Plant: Style, Aesthetics, and Environmental Politics in Iceland.
Popular music and society
Academic article
Størvold, Tore.
Sigur Ros: Reception, borealism, and musical style.
Popular Music
Academic article
Størvold, Tore;
Howland, John.
Beats, Strings and Volcanic Things: Cross-genre Musical Practices in the Independent Music Scene in Reykjavík, Iceland
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Journal publications
Størvold, Tore;
O’Shea, Susan.
On Dissonant Landscapes: Tore Størvold and Susan O’Shea, in conversation.
IASPM Journal
Academic article
Størvold, Tore.
Naturally Connected: Exploring Icelandic Artists’ Ties With Nature.
The Reykjavík Grapevine
Interview Journal
Størvold, Tore.
Erfitt fyrir tónlistarfólk að brjótast undan staðalímynd íslenskrar náttúru og þjóðernis.
Interview Journal
Størvold, Tore;
Richardson, John.
Radioactive Music: The Eerie Agency of Hildur Guðnadóttir’s Music for the Television Series Chernobyl.
Music and the Moving Image
Academic article
Størvold, Tore.
Sounds Icelandic. Edited By Þorbjörg Daphne Hall, Nicola Dibben, Árni Heimir Ingólfsson and Tony Mitchell. Sheffield: Equinox, 2019. 233 pp. ISBN 13 978 1 78179 145 5.
Popular Music
Book review
Størvold, Tore.
Musical aesthetics below ground: volcanic action and the geosocial in Sigur Rós’s “Brennisteinn”.
Journal of Aesthetics and Culture
Academic article
Størvold, Tore.
Music and the Kárahnjúkar Hydropower Plant: Style, Aesthetics, and Environmental Politics in Iceland.
Popular music and society
Academic article
Størvold, Tore.
Sigur Ros: Reception, borealism, and musical style.
Popular Music
Academic article
Artistic productions
Devine, Kyle;
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel;
Størvold, Tore;
Kraugerud, Emil.
Supreme Auctions.
Music - composition
Kraugerud, Emil;
Devine, Kyle;
Størvold, Tore;
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel.
Konsert med Podcasts, Sheffield.
Musical performance
Kraugerud, Emil;
Devine, Kyle;
Størvold, Tore;
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel.
Konsert med Podcasts, London.
Musical performance
Kraugerud, Emil;
Devine, Kyle;
Størvold, Tore;
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel.
Konsert med Podcasts, Oxford.
Musical performance
Kraugerud, Emil;
Devine, Kyle;
Størvold, Tore;
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel.
Konsert med Podcasts, Manchester.
Musical performance
Devine, Kyle;
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel;
Størvold, Tore;
Kraugerud, Emil.
Summerland, 1992.
Music - composition
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel;
Devine, Kyle;
Størvold, Tore;
Kraugerud, Emil.
Music - composition
Kraugerud, Emil;
Devine, Kyle;
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel;
Størvold, Tore.
Music - composition
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel;
Kraugerud, Emil;
Størvold, Tore;
Devine, Kyle.
Dragging the Lake.
Music - composition
Devine, Kyle;
Kraugerud, Emil;
Jones, Ellis Nathaniel;
Størvold, Tore.
First Things First.
Music - composition
Størvold, Tore.
Dissonant Landscapes: Music, Nature, and the Performance of Iceland.
Wesleyan University Presss
Wesleyan University Presss
Academic monograph
Part of book/report
Hawkins, Stan;
Størvold, Tore.
Justin Timberlake's "Man of the Woods": Lumbersexuality, Nature, and Larking Around.
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Størvold, Tore.
Dissonant Landscapes: Nature and the Musical Imagination of Iceland.
07 Gruppen
07 Gruppen
Doctoral dissertation
Størvold, Tore;
Howland, John.
Beats, Strings and Volcanic Things: Cross-genre Musical Practices in the Independent Music Scene in Reykjavík, Iceland
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Størvold, Tore;
Tran, Kim Arvid Leon;
Lindquist, Ellen Sherry;
Wilhelmsen, Viktor Govasli.
NTNU Forskningskonsert: Musikk i landskap og landskap i musikk.
NTNU Forskningskonsert: Musikk i landskap og landskap i musikk
Other presentation
- EH8000 - Topics in Environmental Humanities
- MUSV3141 - Björk: Humans, nature, and technology in experimental popular music
- MUSV1032 - Music, culture and society after 1900
- MUSV2032 - Bachelor Thesis in Musicology
- MUSV1102 - Film Music
- MUSV3006 - Master's Thesis in Musicology
- MUSV3105 - Popular Music Studies
- MUSV3138 - Iceland: Music, Geography, and Nationality on the Edge of Europe
- MUSV1101 - Music, nature, and climate crisis
- MUSV3004 - Music Studies: Disciplines, Approaches, and Perspectives
- MUSV3137 - Music and Ecology
Academic lectureLeyda, Julia; Størvold, Tore. (2024) Screen-Washing: Audiovisual Translations of Norwegian Oil Futures. Sissel Furuseth Oil in Translation: A Workshop on Petro-Aesthetics and Energy Transition , Universitet i Oslo 2024-06-13 - 2024-06-14
Academic lectureStørvold, Tore; Leyda, Julia. (2024) Screen Greenwashing: Audiovisual Imaginaries of Norwegian Oil Futures. ANEST Storytelling for Environmental Futures , Universitetet i Stavanger 2024-08-07 - 2024-08-09
LectureStørvold, Tore. (2024) Dissonant Landscapes. Musikwissenschaftlichen Seminar, Universität Heidelberg Forschungskolloquium , Heidelberg 2024-05-07 - 2024-05-07
Academic lectureStørvold, Tore. (2024) Island Songs: Musical Geography in Digital Media. University of the Faroe Islands Islands and Audiovisual Media , Tórshavn, Faroe Islands 2024-06-26 - 2024-06-28
LectureStørvold, Tore. (2023) Boklansering: Musikk, natur og nasjonalitet på Island. Litteraturhuset i Trondheim Boklansering , Trondheim 2023-10-04 -
Academic lectureStørvold, Tore. (2023) Björk’s “Oceania” and the Prospects of a Blue Musicology. International Association for the Study of Popular Music IASPM International Biannual Conference , Minneapolis 2023-06-26 - 2023-06-30
Academic lectureStørvold, Tore. (2023) Dissonant Landscapes. Háskola Íslands / University of Iceland Samfunnsvitenskapelig seminar , Reykjavík 2023-11-01 -
Academic lectureStørvold, Tore. (2023) Listening to the Anthropocene: Sound, Music and Emergent Environments. Listahákoli Íslands / Iceland University of the Arts Graduate Seminar in Music , Reykjavík 2023-10-27 -
Academic lectureStørvold, Tore. (2017) Performing Dreamland: Valgeir Sigurðsson’s “Grýlukvæði” in the Context of Environmental Debate in Contemporary Iceland. University of Jyväskylä 21st Annual Symposium for Music Scholars in Finland , Jyväskylä 2017-04-19 - 2017-04-21
Academic lectureStørvold, Tore. (2017) Sonic Cartography: Record Production and Geographic Space in Ólafur Arnalds' Island Songs. Association for the Study of the Art of Record Production The 12th Art of Record Production Conference , Kungliga Musikhögskolan, Stockholm 2017-12-01 - 2017-12-03
Academic lectureStørvold, Tore. (2017) Performing Dreamland: Musical Responses to Environmental Debate in Contemporary Iceland. UiO:Nordic Global Challenges - Nordic Experiences , Oslo 2017-03-20 - 2017-03-21