Equipment - Department of Music
Equipment and musical instruments at the Department of Music
Equipment and musical instruments at the Department of Music
On this page you will find information about equipment and musical instruments used in teaching and research at the Department of Music.

Musical instruments and equipment
Musical instruments and equipment
- Piccolo flute Yamaha YPC-62
- Alto flute Altus 825S
- Cor anglais - Buffet Crampon XF 02
- E-flat clarinet Buffet Crampon BC1507-2
- C clarinet Buffet Crampon BC1607-2
- Bass clarinet Buffet Crampon BC1193G-2
- Baroque trumpet standard bore Parker
- Baroque trumpet small bore Parker
- Baroque trumpet small bore Parker
- German Bb trumpet Schagerl Berlin heavy silver
- Flugelhorn Schagerl Dione silver
- Horn Alexander mod. 103
- Horn classical Seraphinoff replica Viennese Classical Horn
- Horn classical Stohr Orchestral Horn replica by Lowell Greer
- Alto trombone classical Egger
- Alto trombone Glassl
- Tenor trombone klassisk Egger
- Bass trombone klassisk Egger
- Bass trombone Shires
- C-tuba Melton Weston 5450 Thor C silver
Studio Dragvoll
- 1 Mac Pro 2x 2,4 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon, 16 GB RAM, OSX-10.12
- 2 Dell 2208WFP -Dislpay
- 1 Focusrite Saffire PRO 40, 8-channel mickpreamp
- 1 Digimax D8, 8-channel mickpreamp
- 1 Mackie Big Knob
- 2 Genelec 1031A monitors
- 1 Editrol PCR -30 MIDI-keyboard
- 2 Palmer Pro –passiv DI box'
- 2 Milab VIP-50
- 2 AKG C 451 EB
- 1 Electrovoice BK-1
- 2 AKG C535 EB
- 1 AKG D112
Software: Logic Pro X/ Cubase Studio / Wavelab / Sibelius / Abelton Live Lite/ Pro Tools
Studio Dragvoll, Recording Room
- 1 Sauter Grand Piano
- 1 Classica Grøndahl Piano
- 1 Soundcraft EFX-8 8-channel Mixer
- 1 NAB CD-player
- 2 Mackie SRM 450 small PA
- 1 Peavey Bandit 112 guitaramp
- 1 Roland Jazz Chorus-120 guitaramp
- 1 Technics Tech 21 guitaramp
- 1 Yamaha VX-series 55B, Bassamp
- 1 Fender Rhodes –Seventy Three
- 1 Fender Kabinett Dual Showman rev. D140
- 1 Latin Percussion Cajun
- 1 Kirchoff 4 Drums set
- 1 Paiste PST HighHat
- 1 Sabian Crash 18” AAX Studio Crash
- 1 K Crash 20” Custom Dark Ride
- 1 Milab D37
- 3 Shure Beta 58
- 2 Shure SM 57
- 2 Sennheiser MD421-U-4
Fjordgata 1
Studio Fjordgata, K1
- 1 Mac Pro 2x 2,8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 6 GB RAM, OSX-10.12
- 2 ViewSonic Displays VX1945wm 19”
- 1 CI24 Digidesign Kontroller
- 2 Avid I/O interface
- 1 Focusrite ISA 828 8-channel mickpreamp
- 1 UAD 2 – 610 2-channel mickpreamp
- 2 Dynaudio Acoustics monitors
- 2 Electrocompaniet Ampliwire 180 Class A Poweramplifier
- 2 KH 310A Nearfield monitors
- 1 M-Audio Code 49 MIDI-keyboard
- 1 Argosy Studio Desk
Software: ProTools HDX/ Logic Pro X / Sibelius/ Ableton Live
Studio Fjordgata, K2
- 1 Mac Pro 2x 2,8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 6 GB RAM, OSX-10.12
- 2 ViewSonic Displays VX1945wm 19”
- 1 Mackie Control Universal Pro + Extender
- 1 Digi 003 audio-interface
- 1 Focusrite ISA 828 8-channel mickpreamp
- 1 UAD 2–610 2-channel mickpreamp
- 2 KH 310A Nearfield monitors
- 1 Mackie Big Knob
- 1 M-Audio Code 49 MIDI-keyboard
- 1 Argosy Studio Desk
Software: Pro Tools/ Logic Pro X/ Native Instruments Komplete 10/ Vienna Special Edition
Studio Fjordgata, K3
- 1 Mac Pro 2x 2,8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 6 GB RAM, OSX-10.12
- 2 Apple Cinema Displays 20”
- 1 SPL Surround Monitor Controller –Model 2489
- 1 RME Fireface 800 8-channel mickpreamp
- 1 Focusrite Octopre Mk2 8-channel mickpreamp
- 5 JBL monitorer LSR 4382P
- 1 JBL Sub-bass LSR 4312SP
- 1 Argosy Studio Desk
- 1 M-Audio Code 49 MIDI-keyboard
Software: Logic Pro X/ Cubase/ Wavelab/ Final Cut Pro/ Omnisphere
Studio Fjordgata, Recording Room
- 2 AKG C414 XLS
- 2 AKG C 480B
- 1 Audix D6
- 3 Shure 57
- 1 Neumann U 87
- 1 RØDE NT4 Stereo microphone
- 2 Audix micro-D clips
- 2 Sennheiser MD421-U-4
Lab Dragvoll
- 8 iMac, 2,7 GHz Quad Core i5 27`, OSX-10.12, 12 GB RAM
- 8 Focusrite Scarlett 6i6
- 8 Roland A49 White
Software: Logic Pro X / Sibelius
Lab Fjordgata
- 15 iMac, 2,7 GHz Intel Core i5 27`, OSX-10.12, 12 GB RAM
- 15 mBox 3
- 15 Axiom 49 MIDI-keyboard
Software: Logic Pro X/ ProTools/ Max/ Ableton Live / Sibelius/ XCode ++
Lab, Olavskvartalet
- 6 iMac, 2,7 GHz Quad Core i5 23`, 12 GB RAM, OSX-10.12
- 6 Focusrite Scarlett 6i6
- 6 Roland A49 White MIDI-keyboard
Software: Logic Pro X / Sibelius
The department has 28 grand pianos and 90 pianos. In 2009, 13 pianos were bought from Bechstein (116C Millenium og 118C) and Schimmel (K122TA).
The department has 10 grand pianos from Steinway, 7 B-, 1 C- and 2 D-models.
The Department of Music has a large selection of instrument for classical percussion students.
These are the largest instruments at our disposal:
- Yamaha YM-5100A Marimba 5.0 octaves
- Malletech Concert Grand Marimba 5.0 octaves
- Adams Van Sice Marimba 4.6 octaves
- Premier Elite kettledrums (5).
- Musser M55G Gold Pro Vibraphone 3.0 octaves
- Premier Orchestral Vibraphone
- Malletech Xylofon 4.0 octaves
- Premier Orchestral Xylophone
- Malletech G2.6 Infinity Glockenspiel
- Deagan Glockenspiel
Further, the department has an asortment of various drums, cymbals and other percussion instruments.
The Department of Music have access to many organs, both our own on campus and organs in various churches in the Trondheim region.
Orgelsalen (The Organ Hall), Åkerman & Lund, 2009
Organ in the French Symphonic tradition.
Room 412, Ryde & Berg, 2008
Man I | Principal | 8' |
Man I | Gedakt | 8' |
Man I | Fløyte | 4' |
Man II | Rørfløyte | 8' |
Man II | Oktav | 4' |
Pedal | Subbass | 16' |
Kopler | II/1, I/P, II/P, II4/P | / |
Room kj 409, Br. Torkildsen, 1994
Man I | Spissfl. | 8' |
Man I | Principal | 4' |
Man I | Fløyte | 2' |
Man II | Gedakt | 8' |
Man II | Rørfl. | 4' |
Pedal | Subbass | 16' |
Pedal | Gedakt | 8' (transm.) |
Pedal | Fløyte | 4' (transm.) |
Kopler | II/I | / |
Room kj 414, Verscueren, 1991
Man I | Bourdon | 8' |
Man I | Fluit (B/D) | 4' |
Man II | Bourdon | 8' |
Man II | Quint B/D | 3' |
Man II | Octaaf B/D | 2' |
Anhangspedal | / | / |
Room kj 509, Åkerman & Lund, 1980
Man I | Vox retusa | 8' |
Man I | Gedakt | 8' (felles med man II) |
Man I | Principal | 4' (felles med man II) |
Man I | Fløjt | 2' (felles med man II) |
Man II | Borduna | 8' |
Man II | Gedakt | 8' |
Man II | Principal | 4' |
Man II | Fløjt | 2' |
Pedal | Subbas | 16' |
Kopler | II/1, II/P, I/P | / |
Svell | / | / |
Room kj 518, Åkerman & Lund, 1980
Man I | Vox retusa | 8' |
Man I | Gedakt | 8' (felles med man II) |
Man I | Principal | 4' (felles med man II) |
Man I | Fløjt | 2' (felles med man II) |
Man II | Borduna | 8' |
Man II | Gedakt | 8' |
Man II | Principal | 4' |
Man II | Fløjt | 2' |
Pedal | Subbas | 16' |
Kopler | II/1, II/P, I/P | / |
Svell | / | / |
Room kj 418, Åkerman & Lund, 1980
Man I | Fløyte | 8' |
Man II | Gedakt | 8' |
Pedal | Bordun | 8' |
Room aud. D7, Bruno Christensen & sons, 1980
Man I | Spidsgamba | 8'* |
Man I | Principal | 4' |
Man I | Waldfløjte | 2' |
Man I | Mixtur 2 | kor |
Man I | Krumhorn | 8' |
Man II | Gedakt | 8' |
Man II | Rørfløjte | 4' |
Man II | Principal | 2' |
Man II | Nasat | 11/3' |
Pedal | Subbass | 16' |
Pedal | Gedaktbas | 8' |
Pedal | Nathorn | 4' |
Kopler | II/1, I/P, II/P, II4/P | / |
Svell | / | / |
Nidarosdomen, Trondheim
The organs in Nidarosdomen are used by NTNU Department of Music for exams and concerts.
You can find information about the Wagner Organ and the Steinmeyer Organ on the Nidarosdomen web pages. You can also find a good description of the organs on Echo Organs' web pages - the Steinmeyer Organ and the Wagner Organ. You can read about the choir organ on the organ builder Br. Torkildsen's web page.
Vår Frue kirke, Trondheim
NTNU Department of music also uses the romantic organ in Vår Frue Church (Our Lady's Church). You can find a good description of this organ on Echo Organ's web pages.
Ilen Church, Trondheim
A description of the Claus Jensen organ in Ilen Church (incl. disposition) can be found on the web pages of organ builder Br. Torkildsen.
Other organs:
The department also has access to good organs for practise in the following chruces (use the links to read about the organs):
Hammond organ
The department has access to a digital Viscount KeyB hammond organ.
The Department of Music has 4 cembalos and a fortepiano.
Cembalo - William Dowd, ParisCembalo – Merzdorf (1978) French two-manual
Cembalo – Jon M. Skogstad (1987) (Paris workshop) Flemish two-manual after Ruckers
Cembalo – William Dowd, Paris
Fortepiano built in the Florentine style, 1720 Christofori by Keith Hill, Manchester Michigan USA.
The instruments are in the church music section at Olavskvalet with the exception of the Dowd cembalo, which is located at Dragvoll.