Mobility Grants


Mobility Grants

KIFEE has received funds through the program INTPART (INTernational PARTnership for outstanding education and research) from the Research Council of Norway and Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU), to increase the institutional cooperation in the KIFEE network through increased researcher and student mobility.


General Information

The project has allocated funds for mobility between collaborating institutions in Norway and Japan, consisting of grants for visiting professors, visiting scientists, and students. Each grant (2 weeks - 6 months) cover travel costs for travel Japan - Norway (return) or vice versa, plus documented costs for residence/rent, according to the regulations provided by the Research Council of Norway.

Areas/topics should (in the broadest context) be related to the sustainability issue, specifically within the key areas of KIFEE:

  • Electrolysis and advanced inorganic materials
  • Process engineering
  • Advanced biological materials
  • Education in energy and environment

The tentative grant schedule is planned as follows:

  • 5 visiting professors grants, each 2 weeks (average, max 1 month)
  • 7 visiting researcher grants, average 2 months
  • 15 student grants, average 2 months

How to apply  

Applications can be made by students and employees at institutions and laboratories which are associated with the KIFEE collaboration (home institution, host institution, or both). The grants are allocated continously by LG-N in collaboration with LG-J

Applications (download the form here), together with a recommandation letter from the home institution (project leader, supervisor etc) and an acceptance confirmation letter from the institution abroad can be sent to: (secretary LG-N)


A short report/travelogue describing the outcome of the stay should be submitted to within 2 months after returning.

Contact information

Contact information

Leader group, Japan (LG-J)

Koji Amezawa, Tohoku University (Chair)

Takuya Goto, Doshisha University, (Secretary)

Leader group, Norway (LG-N)

Bjørn E. Christensen, NTNU (Chair)

Geir Martin Haarberg, NTNU (Co-chair/Secretary)

Complete list of KIFEE leader groups

13 jan 2020