KIFEE Professors
KIFEE professors

KIFEE is happy to announce that 7 prominent Japanese have been appointed as visiting professors (‘KIFEE professors’) at NTNU and UiO. They will spend approximately two weeks in Norway during 2017-2018, and contribute to both research and education (lectures, seminars).
Names, affiliations, dates and contact persons (hosts) at NTNU/UiO are given below. Dates for their respective visits will be updated continuously.
Name | Institution | Area | Host institution | Host | Period |
H. Yamaguchi* | Doshisha University | PE | NTNU, Department of Energy and Process Engineering | Petter Nekså and Trygve M. Eikevik | 31/8-10/9 2017 |
I. Kumakiri | Yamaguchi University | PE | NTNU, Department of Chemical Engineering | May-Britt Hägg | 1-13 Sept 2017 |
K. Akiyoshi | Kyoto University | ABM | NTNU, Department of Physics | Bjørn T. Stokke | 5-10 Sept 2017 |
T. Nohira | Kyoto University | EAIM | NTNU, Department of Materials Science and Engineering | Geir Martin Haarberg | 11.-22. Sept 2017 |
K. Amezawa | Tohoku University | EAIM | NTNU, Department of Materials Science and Engineering | Ann-Mari Einarsrud | 26/4-8/5 2017 |
S. Kitamura | Osaka Prefecture University | ABM | NTNU, Biotechnology and Food Science | Bjørn E. Christensen** | 2018 |
T. Namerikawa | Keio University | PE | UiO, Department of Technology Systems | Sabrina Sartori | 2018 |
PE: Process Engineering, ABM: Advanced Biological Materials, EAIM: Electrolysis and Advanced Inorganic Materials, * Current leader of KIFEE leader group in Japan, ** Current leader of KIFFE leader group in Norway