IM-SAFE aims to support the European Commission and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) to preparing a new standard in monitoring for optimal maintenance and safety of transport infrastructure based on a comprehensive insight into the trends, challenges, best practices, and technology developments, including the integration of digital innovations. IM-SAFE aims to achieve broad acceptance for new standardization and to enable public authorities and industries to contribute to standardisation, roll-out, and implementation.
The aims of the project are:
- To support the European Commission (EC) and the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) in preparing new standards in monitoring, maintenance and safety of transport infrastructure.
- To provide the EC with the input for formulating a mandate for CEN and a plan of approach for the execution of the mandate.
- To provide the CEN working groups with the technical background materials for the development of new standards on monitoring and maintenance of transport infrastructure, and the further amendment of Eurocodes on the use of inspection, monitoring and testing for assessing the safety of structures.
- To present a comprehensive insight concerning the ageing transport infrastructure and a gap analysis both within the existing standards as well as between the available standards and the actual practice.
- To consolidate the vision, facilitate inclusive dialogs, and reach a consensus on future trends and the relevant technological advancements, addressing the changing demands and resilience challenges as well as the digital innovations for monitoring, data analytics and back analysis with safety evaluation.
- To raise the awareness and empower all key public and industrial stakeholders through an inclusive change management plan to create broad societal acceptance.
- To accelerate the process for enabling public authorities and supply-chain stakeholders in transport infrastructure to commit to the development and adoption of the new standards.
- To mobilise, expand and harmonise the stakeholder platforms already established by national and EU initiatives, to become a pan-European Community of Practice (CoP) actively involved in the development and implementation processes of the new standards on monitoring of transport infrastructure.
- To ensure a broad societal acceptance from all key public and industrial stakeholders and a smooth transition from the current practice to the new approach by enabling the stakeholders to anticipate the implications of the new standards and equipping them with the essential tools and guidelines.
- To integrate, analyse and disseminate the best practices and lessons-learned in Europe and worldwide as the basis for an evidence-based approach to develop new standards and create confidence among the stakeholders for the follow-up adoption in real practice
The project has a duration of 2 years and is undertaken by an European consortium made of several Universities, research institutions and private companies. The project is co-funded by the H2020 framework Programme of the European union.
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