Department of Structural Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Structural Engineering

Pictures front page

About KT front page

The Department of Structural Engineering (KT) conducts research and education in designing, calculating, and dimensioning structures on land and offshore. KT has special responsibility for concrete technology, and we are continuously building expertise in the disciplines of bio- and nanomechanics. We work with all kinds of strains on different constructions in various environments.

KT is one of eight departments at the Faculty of Engineering.

Sustainability goals

Our contribution to the UN's 2030 agenda:

un sustainable development goal number 3un sustainable development goal number 4un sustainable development goal number 9un sustainable development goal number 11un sustainable development goal number 12un sustainable development goal number 13



Anders Rønnquist

Anders Rønnquist
Head of Department



 About us

  (+47) 73 59 47 00 

Visiting address:
Richard Birkelands vei 1A
7034 Trondheim

Postal address:
Institutt for konstruksjonsteknikk, NTNU
Richard Birkelands vei 1A
7491 Trondheim

Our centres and big projects

Our centres and big projects

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Link to page Ferry Free E39.

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Link to page CASA.