Political Behaviour and Political Communication – Research – Department of Sociology and Political Science
Strategic area
Political Behaviour and Political Communication
Video made for the COST-Project on Political Communication. This video was awarded European Commision EU4FACTS video award.
Our Department has an acknowleged research community in this field and the community will continue to develop research in elections and election campaigns, value conflicts and value changes, political trust and political communication. Our research in this field focuses on the behaviour, communication and attitudes of political actors, the media and voters.
Research Groups and Projects
- EVPOC research group
- UNelected REPresentatives: The Impact on Liberal Democracy in Europe (UNREP) (2019-2023). Professor Pieter de Wilde
- European Values Study (2019-). Professor Anders Todal Jenssen
- Trondheim Analytica (2018-2022). Professor Pieter de Wilde
- THREATPIE: The Threats and Potentials of a Changing Political Information Environment - Professor Toril Aalberg.
Here are some selected relevant publicaitions. Please see the researchers' NTNU-profiles for more.
- Carsten Reinemann, James Stanyer, Toril Aalberg, Frank Esser and Claes H. de Vreese (red) (2019): Communicating Populism. Comparing Actor Perceptions, Media Coverage, and Effects on Citizens in Europe. Routledge.
- Melanie Magin (2019): Elite versus Popular Press. The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies.
- Melanie Magin og Stefan Geiss (2019): Beyond Time and Space: The Impact of Autonomy from Politics and Commercialization Pressure on Mediatization in German and Austrian Newspapers—A Multilevel Approach. Political Communication.
- Jenssen, Anders Todal; Aalberg, Toril (2019): Why perceived political bias on TV does not inevitably lead to a polarized audience. The case of NRK and TV2 in Norway. Communications.
- Jörg Matthes, Peter Maurer og Florian Arendt (2019): Consequences of Politicians’ Perceptions of the News Media. Journalism Studies.
- de Vreese, Claes H.; Esser, Frank; Aalberg, Toril; Reinemann, Carsten; Stanyer, James. (2018): Populism as an Expression of Political Communication Content and Style: A New Perspective. The International Journal of Press/Politics
- Geiss, S., Magin, M., Stark, B. and Jürgens, P. (2018): Endangered Common Meeting Ground? Selection Logics of Political Information Sources and their Influence on the Fragmentation of Individual Issue Horizons.] Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft.
- Peter Maurer and Marcus Beiler (2018): Networking and Political Alignment as Strategies to Control the News. Interaction between journalists and politicians. Journalism Studies.
- Mandal, Roland; Dyrstad, Karin. (2017) Explaining variations in general practitioners’ experiences of doing medically based assessments of work ability in disability benefit claims. A survey-based analysis. Cogent Medicine
- Zan Strabac, Toril Aalberg, Anders Todal Jenssen and Marco Valenta (2016): ; Wearing the veil: hijab, Islam and job qualifications as determinants of social attitudes towards immigrant women in Norway. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
- Toril Aalberg, Frank Esser, Carsten Reinemann, Jesper Stromback, Claes de Vreese (red) (2016): Populist Political Communication in Europe. Routledge.
We offer the following courses:
Bachelor level:
- POL1001 Introduction to Political Science: Political Theory and Political Behaviour
- POL2016 Specialization in Political Science: Political Communication and Political Behaviour
Master level: