Zan Strabac
Note PhD students taking SO8003: If you intend to deliver a paper not using linear or binary logistic regression as a main analytical technique, please take contact with me early in the semester in order to clarify supervising and evaluation of the paper.
Teaching 2021-2022
SOS3003 - Applied Social Statistics
SOS3005 - Quantitative Methods
SOS8003 - Applied Social Statistics
SOS2011 - Migration and Mobility
Strabac, Zan;
Valenta, Marko;
Bell, David Andreas.
Public attitudes towards immigrants: A curious case of Croatia.
International migration
Academic article
Strabac, Zan;
Valenta, Marko.
Norway’s Immigrant Population and the Educational System: Grounds for Optimism?.
Migracijske i etničke teme
Academic article
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan;
Jakobsen, Jo;
Al Awad, Mouawiya.
The Complexity of Large-scale Migrations from South Asia to the Gulf.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bell, David Andreas;
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
Perceptions and realities: Explaining welfare chauvinism in Europe.
Journal of European Social Policy
Academic article
Bell, David Andreas;
Strabac, Zan;
Valenta, Marko.
The Importance of Skin Colour in Central Eastern Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Racist Attitudes in Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic.
Central and Eastern European Migration Review
Academic article
Bell, David Andreas;
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
Nordic welfare chauvinism: A comparative study of welfare chauvinism in Sweden, Norway and Finland.
International Social Work
Academic article
Bell, David Andreas;
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
A comparative analysis of changes in anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim attitudes in Europe: 1990–2017.
Comparative Migration Studies
Academic article
Creighton, Mathew J.;
Strabac, Zan.
Party affiliation and support for Muslim newcomers: masked opposition in the Norwegian context.
European Societies
Academic article
Bell, David Andreas;
Strabac, Zan.
Exclusion of Muslims in Eastern Europe and Western Europe. A Comparative Analysis of Anti-Muslim Attitudes in France, Norway, Poland and Czech Republic.
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights
Academic article
Valenta, Marko;
Knowlton, Kaley Elizabeth;
Jakobsen, Jo;
Al Awad, Mouawiya;
Strabac, Zan.
Temporary Labour-Migration System and Long-term Residence Strategies in the United Arab Emirates .
International migration
Academic article
Strabac, Zan;
Valenta, Marko;
Mouawiya, Al Awad.
Temporary labour migration to United Arab Emirates: a complex story.
Migration and Development
Academic article
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan;
Jakobsen, Jo;
Reitz, Jeffrey;
Al Awad, Mouawiya.
Labour migrations to resource-rich countries: Comparative perspectives on migrants' rights in Canada, Norway and the United Arab Emirates.
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights
Academic literature review
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
The dramaturgical nexus of ethno-religious, tourist and transnational frames of pilgrimages in post-conflict societies: The Bosnian and Herzegovinian experience.
Tourist Studies
Academic article
Isaksen, Joachim Vogt;
Jakobsen, Tor Georg;
Filindra, Alexandra;
Strabac, Zan.
The return of prejudice in Europe’s regions: The moderated relationship between group threat and economic vulnerability.
Nationalism & Ethnic Politics
Academic article
Strabac, Zan;
Aalberg, Toril;
Jenssen, Anders Todal;
Valenta, Marko.
Wearing the veil: hijab, Islam and job qualifications as determinants of social attitudes towards immigrant women in Norway.
Ethnic and Racial Studies
Academic article
Valenta, Marko;
Gregurovic, Snjezana;
Strabac, Zan.
Ethnic boundaries and the position of minority Groups in Croatian Istria.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strabac, Zan;
Valenta, Marko.
Social distance toward ethnic minorities in Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo: A Comparative Analysis.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strabac, Zan;
Valenta, Marko.
Etniske minoriteter:Variasjoner i velferd og arbeidstilknytning.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strabac, Zan;
Aalberg, Toril;
Valenta, Marko.
Attitudes towards Muslim Immigrants: Evidence from Survey Experiments across Four Countries.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Academic article
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
Bosnians in Norway: Integration of Bosnian Migrants and Their Descendants into Norwegian Society.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
The Dynamics of Bosnian Refugee Migrations in the 1990s, Current Migration Trends and Future Prospects.
Refugee Survey Quarterly
Academic article
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
Refugee Return in Post-War Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Angelo Longo Editore
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jakobsen, Tor Georg;
Isaksen, Joachim Vogt;
Skavhaug, Gunn Kari O;
Strabac, Zan.
In Varietate Harmonia?: Intergroup Contact, Group Threat and Ethnic Tolerance in Scandinavian Regions.
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights
Academic article
Ellingsen, Tanja;
Ringdal, Kristen;
Simkus, Albert Andrew;
Strabac, Zan.
Security Dilemmas and Ethnic Intolerance in the Western Balkans.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strabac, Zan;
Valenta, Marko.
Attitudes toward Muslims in Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aalberg, Toril;
Strabac, Zan;
Brekken, Tove.
Research Design.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sandovici, Maria Elena;
Jakobsen, Tor Georg;
Strabac, Zan.
Political Nationalism and Attitudes towards Immigration: The Interaction of Knowledge and Policy.
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights
Academic article
Strabac, Zan;
Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti;
Jenssen, Anders Todal.
News consumption and public opposition to immigration across countries.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
Religion and Support for Democracy in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Politics and Religion
Academic article
Strabac, Zan.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strabac, Zan;
Listhaug, Ola;
Jakobsen, Tor Georg.
Patterns of Ethnic Intolerance in Europe.
Journal of International Migration and Integration
Academic article
Strabac, Zan.
Social Distance and Ethnic Hierarchies in Croatia.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringdal, Gerd Inger;
Ringdal, Kristen;
Strabac, Zan.
Changes in War-related Distress in Croatia 1996–2004.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strabac, Zan;
Aalberg, Toril.
Measuring Political Knowledge in Telephone and Web Surveys: A Cross-National Comparison.
Social science computer review
Academic article
Strabac, Zan.
It is the eyes and not the size that matter.
European Societies
Academic article
Strabac, Zan.
Integrert? Innvandrere og barn av innvandrere i utdanning og ar.
Sosiologisk Tidsskrift
Book review
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
State-assisted integration, but not for all: Norwegian welfare services and labour migration from the new EU member states.
International Social Work
Academic article
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
Transnational ties and transnational exchange.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Valenta, Marko;
Mesic, Milan;
Strabac, Zan.
Bosnian Croats in Croatia: 'ethnically privileged migrants', 'culturally distant co-ethnics' or 'Croats as any other Croats'?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
Bosnians in Norway – how do they adjust compared with other refugee groups?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strabac, Zan;
Listhaug, Ola.
Anti-Muslim Prejudice in Europe: A Multilevel Analysis of Survey Data from 30 Countries.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aalberg, Toril;
Strabac, Zan.
Media Use and Misperceptions. Does TV Viewing Improve our Knowledge about Immigration?.
Nordicom Review
Academic article
Strabac, Zan;
Valenta, Marko.
Ethnic Intolerance, Voting Preferences, and Political Change in Croatia.
Academic article
Strabac, Zan;
Aalberg, Toril.
Media use, political knowledge and perception of reality A cross-national survey. Project description, questionnaires and codebook.
Strabac, Zan;
Ringdal, Kristen.
Individual and contextual influences of war on ethnic prejudice in Croatia.
The Sociological Quarterly (SQ)
Academic article
Strabac, Zan;
Listhaug, Ola.
Anti-Muslim prejudice in Europe: A multilevel analysis of survey data from 30 countries.
Social Science Research
Academic article
Strabac, Zan.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Listhaug, Ola;
Strabac, Zan.
Support for democracy and strength of civic attitudes. Croatia compared with new and old democracies.
Texas A&M University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Listhaug, Ola;
Strbac, Zan.
Podrska demokraciji i snaga gradanskih stavova.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Strabac, Zan;
Valenta, Marko;
Bell, David Andreas.
Public attitudes towards immigrants: A curious case of Croatia.
International migration
Academic article
Strabac, Zan;
Valenta, Marko.
Norway’s Immigrant Population and the Educational System: Grounds for Optimism?.
Migracijske i etničke teme
Academic article
Bell, David Andreas;
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
Perceptions and realities: Explaining welfare chauvinism in Europe.
Journal of European Social Policy
Academic article
Bell, David Andreas;
Strabac, Zan;
Valenta, Marko.
The Importance of Skin Colour in Central Eastern Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Racist Attitudes in Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic.
Central and Eastern European Migration Review
Academic article
Bell, David Andreas;
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
Nordic welfare chauvinism: A comparative study of welfare chauvinism in Sweden, Norway and Finland.
International Social Work
Academic article
Bell, David Andreas;
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
A comparative analysis of changes in anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim attitudes in Europe: 1990–2017.
Comparative Migration Studies
Academic article
Creighton, Mathew J.;
Strabac, Zan.
Party affiliation and support for Muslim newcomers: masked opposition in the Norwegian context.
European Societies
Academic article
Bell, David Andreas;
Strabac, Zan.
Exclusion of Muslims in Eastern Europe and Western Europe. A Comparative Analysis of Anti-Muslim Attitudes in France, Norway, Poland and Czech Republic.
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights
Academic article
Valenta, Marko;
Knowlton, Kaley Elizabeth;
Jakobsen, Jo;
Al Awad, Mouawiya;
Strabac, Zan.
Temporary Labour-Migration System and Long-term Residence Strategies in the United Arab Emirates .
International migration
Academic article
Strabac, Zan;
Valenta, Marko;
Mouawiya, Al Awad.
Temporary labour migration to United Arab Emirates: a complex story.
Migration and Development
Academic article
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan;
Jakobsen, Jo;
Reitz, Jeffrey;
Al Awad, Mouawiya.
Labour migrations to resource-rich countries: Comparative perspectives on migrants' rights in Canada, Norway and the United Arab Emirates.
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights
Academic literature review
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
The dramaturgical nexus of ethno-religious, tourist and transnational frames of pilgrimages in post-conflict societies: The Bosnian and Herzegovinian experience.
Tourist Studies
Academic article
Isaksen, Joachim Vogt;
Jakobsen, Tor Georg;
Filindra, Alexandra;
Strabac, Zan.
The return of prejudice in Europe’s regions: The moderated relationship between group threat and economic vulnerability.
Nationalism & Ethnic Politics
Academic article
Strabac, Zan;
Aalberg, Toril;
Jenssen, Anders Todal;
Valenta, Marko.
Wearing the veil: hijab, Islam and job qualifications as determinants of social attitudes towards immigrant women in Norway.
Ethnic and Racial Studies
Academic article
Strabac, Zan;
Aalberg, Toril;
Valenta, Marko.
Attitudes towards Muslim Immigrants: Evidence from Survey Experiments across Four Countries.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Academic article
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
The Dynamics of Bosnian Refugee Migrations in the 1990s, Current Migration Trends and Future Prospects.
Refugee Survey Quarterly
Academic article
Jakobsen, Tor Georg;
Isaksen, Joachim Vogt;
Skavhaug, Gunn Kari O;
Strabac, Zan.
In Varietate Harmonia?: Intergroup Contact, Group Threat and Ethnic Tolerance in Scandinavian Regions.
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights
Academic article
Sandovici, Maria Elena;
Jakobsen, Tor Georg;
Strabac, Zan.
Political Nationalism and Attitudes towards Immigration: The Interaction of Knowledge and Policy.
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights
Academic article
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
Religion and Support for Democracy in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Politics and Religion
Academic article
Strabac, Zan;
Listhaug, Ola;
Jakobsen, Tor Georg.
Patterns of Ethnic Intolerance in Europe.
Journal of International Migration and Integration
Academic article
Strabac, Zan;
Aalberg, Toril.
Measuring Political Knowledge in Telephone and Web Surveys: A Cross-National Comparison.
Social science computer review
Academic article
Strabac, Zan.
It is the eyes and not the size that matter.
European Societies
Academic article
Strabac, Zan.
Integrert? Innvandrere og barn av innvandrere i utdanning og ar.
Sosiologisk Tidsskrift
Book review
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
State-assisted integration, but not for all: Norwegian welfare services and labour migration from the new EU member states.
International Social Work
Academic article
Aalberg, Toril;
Strabac, Zan.
Media Use and Misperceptions. Does TV Viewing Improve our Knowledge about Immigration?.
Nordicom Review
Academic article
Strabac, Zan;
Valenta, Marko.
Ethnic Intolerance, Voting Preferences, and Political Change in Croatia.
Academic article
Strabac, Zan;
Ringdal, Kristen.
Individual and contextual influences of war on ethnic prejudice in Croatia.
The Sociological Quarterly (SQ)
Academic article
Strabac, Zan;
Listhaug, Ola.
Anti-Muslim prejudice in Europe: A multilevel analysis of survey data from 30 countries.
Social Science Research
Academic article
Part of book/report
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan;
Jakobsen, Jo;
Al Awad, Mouawiya.
The Complexity of Large-scale Migrations from South Asia to the Gulf.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Valenta, Marko;
Gregurovic, Snjezana;
Strabac, Zan.
Ethnic boundaries and the position of minority Groups in Croatian Istria.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strabac, Zan;
Valenta, Marko.
Social distance toward ethnic minorities in Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo: A Comparative Analysis.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strabac, Zan;
Valenta, Marko.
Etniske minoriteter:Variasjoner i velferd og arbeidstilknytning.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
Bosnians in Norway: Integration of Bosnian Migrants and Their Descendants into Norwegian Society.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
Refugee Return in Post-War Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Angelo Longo Editore
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ellingsen, Tanja;
Ringdal, Kristen;
Simkus, Albert Andrew;
Strabac, Zan.
Security Dilemmas and Ethnic Intolerance in the Western Balkans.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strabac, Zan;
Valenta, Marko.
Attitudes toward Muslims in Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aalberg, Toril;
Strabac, Zan;
Brekken, Tove.
Research Design.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strabac, Zan;
Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti;
Jenssen, Anders Todal.
News consumption and public opposition to immigration across countries.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strabac, Zan.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strabac, Zan.
Social Distance and Ethnic Hierarchies in Croatia.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringdal, Gerd Inger;
Ringdal, Kristen;
Strabac, Zan.
Changes in War-related Distress in Croatia 1996–2004.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
Transnational ties and transnational exchange.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Valenta, Marko;
Mesic, Milan;
Strabac, Zan.
Bosnian Croats in Croatia: 'ethnically privileged migrants', 'culturally distant co-ethnics' or 'Croats as any other Croats'?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Valenta, Marko;
Strabac, Zan.
Bosnians in Norway – how do they adjust compared with other refugee groups?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strabac, Zan;
Listhaug, Ola.
Anti-Muslim Prejudice in Europe: A Multilevel Analysis of Survey Data from 30 Countries.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strabac, Zan.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Listhaug, Ola;
Strabac, Zan.
Support for democracy and strength of civic attitudes. Croatia compared with new and old democracies.
Texas A&M University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Listhaug, Ola;
Strbac, Zan.
Podrska demokraciji i snaga gradanskih stavova.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strabac, Zan;
Aalberg, Toril.
Media use, political knowledge and perception of reality A cross-national survey. Project description, questionnaires and codebook.
Academic lectureValenta, Marko; Strabac, Zan. (2018) Temporary Labour Migrations to the Persian Gulf: The case of the United Arab Emirates . National University Singapore forelesning 2018-02-06 -
Academic lectureJakobsen, Jo; Strabac, Zan. (2014) Remittances, Institutions and Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees, Bosnia-Herzegovina Migrations in function of development , Sarajevo 2014-11-17 - 2014-11-18
Academic lectureJenssen, Anders Todal; Strabac, Zan; Aalberg, Toril. (2013) Male or female immigrants - Does it matter?. Universitetet i Norland/NFR Nasjonal Fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap , Bodø 2013-01-09 - 2013-01-11
PosterValenta, Marko; Strabac, Zan. (2013) Poster presentation of the project 'international students and teachers' at 'Going global conference'. going global konferansen 2013-03-04 - 2013-03-06
Academic lectureStrabac, Zan; Valenta, Marko. (2013) Zan Strabac and Marko Valenta: Ethnic Intolerance and Political Change in post-conflict societies: The Croatian Experience. ERPBSS Conferance in UAE 2013-11-26 - 2013-11-28
Academic lectureValenta, Marko; Strabac, Zan. (2012) Religious migrations: Medjugorje. Religious migrations in Globalised world 2012-04-26 - 2012-04-28
Academic lectureValenta, Marko; Strabac, Zan. (2012) Bosnians in Norway: Integration of Bosnian migrants in Norwegian society/Bosanci u Norveskoj: Integracija bosanskih migranata u norvesko drustvo. Konferanse , Sarajevo 2012-09-10 - 2012-09-12
Academic lectureValenta, Marko; Strabac, Zan. (2011) Muslims in Norway, paperpresentasjon med Zan Strabac som førsteforfatter. konferanse i Porto 2011-08-16 -
Academic lectureValenta, Marko; Strabac, Zan. (2011) workshop om Islamofobi, inklusive paperpresentasjon, med Z. strabac som forsteforfatter: komparativ analyse av holdninger til innvandrere og muslimer i fire land. Metropolis konferanse 2011-09-15 -
Academic lectureEllingsen, Tanja; Ringdal, Kristen; Simkus, Albert Andrew; Strabac, Zan. (2010) Security Dilemmas and Ethnic Intolerance in the Western Balkans. 68th National Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association , Chicago, IL, 2010-04-22 - 2010-04-29
Academic lectureEllingsen, Tanja; Ringdal, Kristen; Simkus, Albert Andrew; Strabac, Zan. (2009) Security dilemmas and ethnic intolerance in the Western Balkans. CONSIRT, The Ohio State University (OSU) and Polish Academy CONTRIBUTIONS OF AREA STUDIES TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF ETHNIC TENSIONS: INTERDISCIPLINARY METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES , Warszawa 2009-12-14 - 2009-12-16
Academic lectureValenta, Marko; Strabac, Zan. (2009) Paperpresentasjon om Refugee Return in Post-War Bosnia-Herzegovina. Ola Listhaug and Sabrina Ramet (NTNU/PRiO) Civic and uncivic values in bosnia: The record since Dayton , Oslo 2009-10-23 - 2009-10-25
Academic lectureAalberg, Toril; Strabac, Zan. (2008) Media systems, media use and knowledge about immigration. APSA American Political Science Association (APSA) annual meeting , Boston 2008-08-28 - 2008-08-31
Academic lectureOhly, Sandra; Strabac, Zan. (2007) Attempts to improve work and well-being: Test of the Karasek model. European Science Foundation QMSS Conference 2007 , Prague 2007-06-20 - 2007-06-23
Academic lectureListhaug, Ola; Strbac, Zan. (2004) Support for Democracy and Strength of Civic Attitudes: Croatia compared with New and Old Democracies. Conference on Democratic Transition in Croatia: Value Transformation, Education, Media 2004-09-03 - 2004-09-04
Academic lectureStrbac, Zan; Listhaug, Ola. (2004) Patterns of Ethnic Intolerance in Europe. Fifth Pan-European Conference on International Relations , The Hague 2004-09-09 - 2004-09-11
Academic lectureStrbac, Zan; Ringdal, Kristen. (2003) Wage Determination among Non-Western Immigrants in Norway. Educational inequality and social mobility. Seminar on the occasion of Tore Lindbekk's retirement , Trondheim 2003-04-25 -
Academic lectureStrbac, Zan; Ringdal, Kristen. (2002) Wage Differences among Non-Western Immigrants in Norway. 21 Nordiske sosiologikongress , Reykjavik, Island 2002-08-17 -
Academic lectureStrbac, Zan; Ringdal, Kristen. (2002) Wage Differences among Non-Western Immigrants in Norway. RC 28 conference �Social stratification and mobility: integrating theory and research" , Oxford 2002-04-13 -