Karin Dyrstad
I combine insights from the political behaviour and peace and conflict traditions to study individuals in conflict-affected societies and fragile states in order to improve the scholarly understanding of individual level causes and consequences of political violence and support for different peacebuilding strategies, and to help design better policies.
Selected publications:
Dyrstad, Karin, Helga M. Binningsbø, Kristin M. Bakke. 2022 ‘Wartime Experiences and Popular Support for Peace Agreements: Comparative Evidence from Three Cases’. Journal of Conflict Resolution 66(9): 1562–1588. DOI: 10.1177/00220027221104728.
Dyrstad, Karin, Kristin M. Bakke, and Helga Malmin Binningsbø. 2021. ‘Perceptions of peace agreements and political trust in post-war Guatemala, Nepal, and Northern Ireland. International Peacekeeping. 28(4): 606-631, DOI: 10.1080/13533312.2020.1869541.
Dyrstad, Karin and Solveig Hillesund. 2020. ‘Individual level determinants of post-conflict support for political violence: Motivations and perceived opportunities’. Journal of Conflict Resolution 64(9): 1724-1753, DOI: 10.1177/0022002720909886.
Dyrstad, Karin and Helga M. Binningsbø. 2019. ‘Between punishment and impunity: Public support for reactions against perpetrators in Guatemala, Nepal, and Northern Ireland’. International Journal of Transitional Justice 13(1): 155–184, DOI: 10.1093/ijtj/ijy032.
Dyrstad, Karin, and Ola Listhaug. 2017. ‘Institutional Trust in the Yugoslav Successor States: A Comparative Approach.’ In Building Democracy in the Yugoslav Successor States: Accomplishments, Setbacks, Challenges since 1990, edited by Sabrina P Ramet, Christine M. Hassenstab, and Ola Listhaug, 87–107. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dyrstad, Karin. 2013. Does civil war breed authoritarian values? An empirical study of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Croatia, Democratization 20(7): 1219-1242, DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2012.688032.
Dyrstad, Karin. 2012. ‘After Ethnic Civil War: Ethno-Nationalism in the Western Balkans.’ Journal of Peace Research 49 (6):817–31, DOI: 10.1177/0022343312439202.
Dyrstad, Karin, Halvard Buhaug, Kristen Ringdal, Albert Simkus, and Ola Listhaug. 2011. ‘Microfoundations of Civil Conflict Reconciliation: Ethnicity and Context.’ International Interactions 37(4):363–87, DOI: 10.1080/03050629.2011.622627.
Godefroidt, Amélie;
Dyrstad, Karin.
Hurting or healing? How conflict exposure and trauma (do not) shape support for truth commissions.
Conflict Management and Peace Science
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin;
Moses, Jonathon.
Big data meets open political science: an empirical assessment of transparency standards 2008–2019.
European Political Science
Academic article
Simmonds, Emily Grace;
Adjei, Kwaku Peprah;
Andersen, Christoffer Wold;
Aspheim, Janne Cathrin Hetle;
Battistin, Claudia;
Bulso, Nicola.
Insights into the quantification and reporting of model-related uncertainty across different disciplines.
Academic article
Godefroidt, Amélie;
Dyrstad, Karin;
Bakke, Kristin.
The past, Brexit, and the future in Northern Ireland: a quasi-experiment.
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin;
Binningsbø, Helga Malmin;
Bakke, Kristin.
Wartime Experiences and Popular Support for Peace Agreements: Comparative Evidence from Three Cases.
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin;
Bakke, Kristin;
Binningsbø, Helga Malmin.
Perceptions of Peace Agreements and Political Trust in Post-War Guatemala, Nepal, and Northern Ireland.
International Peacekeeping
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin;
Hillesund, Solveig.
Explaining Support for Political Violence: Grievance and Perceived Opportunity.
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Academic article
Eide, Arne Henning;
Dyrstad, Karin.
PTSD as a consequence of past conflict experience, recent exposure to violence and economic marginalization in post-conflict contexts: A study from Nepal, Guatemala and Northern Ireland.
International Journal of Social Psychiatry
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin;
Binningsbø, Helga Malmin.
Between punishment and impunity: Public support for reactions against perpetrators in Guatemala, Nepal and Northern Ireland.
International Journal of Transitional Justice
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin;
Binningsbø, Helga Malmin;
Brigham, Thandeka;
Bakke, Kristin M..
Transitional Justice: What Do the People Want? Views from the ground in Guatemala, Nepal, and Northern Ireland.
Conflict Trends (Oslo) (11)
Eide, Arne Henning;
Dyrstad, Karin;
Munthali, Alister;
Van Rooy, Gert;
Braathen, Stine Hellum;
Halvorsen, Thomas.
Combining survey data, GIS and qualitative interviews in the analysis of health service access for persons with disabilities.
BMC International Health and Human Rights
Academic literature review
Dyrstad, Karin;
Listhaug, Ola.
Institutional Trust in the Yugoslav Successor States: A Comparative Approach.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Visagie, Surona;
Eide, Arne Henning;
Dyrstad, Karin;
Mannan, Hasheem;
Swartz, Leslie;
Schneider, Marguerite.
Factors related to environmental barriers experienced by persons with and without disabilities in diverse African settings.
Academic article
Mandal, Roland;
Dyrstad, Karin.
Klage og omgjøring i NAV – hva kan gjøres bedre?.
Arbeid og Velferd
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Dyrstad, Karin;
Binningsbø, Helga Malmin;
Bakke, Kristin;
Eide, Arne Henning.
Public Support for Peace Agreements: The Cases of Guatemala, Nepal, and Northern Ireland.
Conflict Trends (Oslo) (5)
Dyrstad, Karin;
Halvorsen, Thomas;
Hem, Karl-Gerhard;
Rohde, Tarald.
Sick of waiting: Does waiting for elective treatment cause sickness absence?.
Health Policy
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin.
Political support in Kosovo.
Central European University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dyrstad, Karin;
Ellingsen, Tanja;
Rød, Jan Ketil.
Ethnonationalism in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo
The effects of local violence and ethnic composition.
International Area Studies Review
Academic article
Eide, Arne Henning;
Mannan, Hasheem;
Khogali, Mustafa;
van Rooy, Gert;
Swartz, Leslie;
Munthali, Alister.
Perceived barriers for accessing health services among individuals with disability in four African countries.
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin;
Listhaug, Ola.
Citizens' Confidence in European Parliaments: Institutions and Issues.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dyrstad, Karin.
Does civil war breed authoritarian values? An empirical study of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Croatia.
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin.
After ethnic civil war: Ethno-nationalism in the Western Balkans.
Journal of Peace Research
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Ringdal, Kristen;
Simkus, Albert Andrew;
Listhaug, Ola.
Microfoundations of Civil Conflict Reconciliation: Ethnicity and Context.
International Interactions
Academic article
Journal publications
Godefroidt, Amélie;
Dyrstad, Karin.
Hurting or healing? How conflict exposure and trauma (do not) shape support for truth commissions.
Conflict Management and Peace Science
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin;
Moses, Jonathon.
Big data meets open political science: an empirical assessment of transparency standards 2008–2019.
European Political Science
Academic article
Simmonds, Emily Grace;
Adjei, Kwaku Peprah;
Andersen, Christoffer Wold;
Aspheim, Janne Cathrin Hetle;
Battistin, Claudia;
Bulso, Nicola.
Insights into the quantification and reporting of model-related uncertainty across different disciplines.
Academic article
Godefroidt, Amélie;
Dyrstad, Karin;
Bakke, Kristin.
The past, Brexit, and the future in Northern Ireland: a quasi-experiment.
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin;
Binningsbø, Helga Malmin;
Bakke, Kristin.
Wartime Experiences and Popular Support for Peace Agreements: Comparative Evidence from Three Cases.
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin;
Bakke, Kristin;
Binningsbø, Helga Malmin.
Perceptions of Peace Agreements and Political Trust in Post-War Guatemala, Nepal, and Northern Ireland.
International Peacekeeping
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin;
Hillesund, Solveig.
Explaining Support for Political Violence: Grievance and Perceived Opportunity.
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Academic article
Eide, Arne Henning;
Dyrstad, Karin.
PTSD as a consequence of past conflict experience, recent exposure to violence and economic marginalization in post-conflict contexts: A study from Nepal, Guatemala and Northern Ireland.
International Journal of Social Psychiatry
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin;
Binningsbø, Helga Malmin.
Between punishment and impunity: Public support for reactions against perpetrators in Guatemala, Nepal and Northern Ireland.
International Journal of Transitional Justice
Academic article
Eide, Arne Henning;
Dyrstad, Karin;
Munthali, Alister;
Van Rooy, Gert;
Braathen, Stine Hellum;
Halvorsen, Thomas.
Combining survey data, GIS and qualitative interviews in the analysis of health service access for persons with disabilities.
BMC International Health and Human Rights
Academic literature review
Visagie, Surona;
Eide, Arne Henning;
Dyrstad, Karin;
Mannan, Hasheem;
Swartz, Leslie;
Schneider, Marguerite.
Factors related to environmental barriers experienced by persons with and without disabilities in diverse African settings.
Academic article
Mandal, Roland;
Dyrstad, Karin.
Klage og omgjøring i NAV – hva kan gjøres bedre?.
Arbeid og Velferd
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Dyrstad, Karin;
Halvorsen, Thomas;
Hem, Karl-Gerhard;
Rohde, Tarald.
Sick of waiting: Does waiting for elective treatment cause sickness absence?.
Health Policy
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin;
Ellingsen, Tanja;
Rød, Jan Ketil.
Ethnonationalism in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo
The effects of local violence and ethnic composition.
International Area Studies Review
Academic article
Eide, Arne Henning;
Mannan, Hasheem;
Khogali, Mustafa;
van Rooy, Gert;
Swartz, Leslie;
Munthali, Alister.
Perceived barriers for accessing health services among individuals with disability in four African countries.
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin.
Does civil war breed authoritarian values? An empirical study of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Croatia.
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin.
After ethnic civil war: Ethno-nationalism in the Western Balkans.
Journal of Peace Research
Academic article
Dyrstad, Karin;
Buhaug, Halvard;
Ringdal, Kristen;
Simkus, Albert Andrew;
Listhaug, Ola.
Microfoundations of Civil Conflict Reconciliation: Ethnicity and Context.
International Interactions
Academic article
Part of book/report
Dyrstad, Karin;
Listhaug, Ola.
Institutional Trust in the Yugoslav Successor States: A Comparative Approach.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dyrstad, Karin.
Political support in Kosovo.
Central European University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dyrstad, Karin;
Listhaug, Ola.
Citizens' Confidence in European Parliaments: Institutions and Issues.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dyrstad, Karin;
Binningsbø, Helga Malmin;
Brigham, Thandeka;
Bakke, Kristin M..
Transitional Justice: What Do the People Want? Views from the ground in Guatemala, Nepal, and Northern Ireland.
Conflict Trends (Oslo) (11)
Dyrstad, Karin;
Binningsbø, Helga Malmin;
Bakke, Kristin;
Eide, Arne Henning.
Public Support for Peace Agreements: The Cases of Guatemala, Nepal, and Northern Ireland.
Conflict Trends (Oslo) (5)
- POL3004 - Research Design and Social Inquiry
- POL2000 - Methods and Methodologies in Political Science
- POL8002 - Applicable course
- SOS8002 - Applicable course
I teach quantitative research methods. In 2024 I am responsible for the political science and sociology specializations in the PhD programme in Social Science.
Academic lectureGodefroidt, Amélie; Dyrstad, Karin. (2021) Hurting or Healing? How Conflict Exposure and PTSD (Do Not) Shape Support for Truth Commissions. European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) ECPR General Conference , Online 2021-08-30 - 2021-09-03
Academic lectureGodefroidt, Amélie; Dyrstad, Karin. (2021) Hurting or Healing? How Conflict Exposure and PTSD (Do Not) Shape Support for Truth Commissions. Midwest Political Science Conferenc Annual Midwest Conference , Online 2021-04-14 - 2021-04-18
Academic lectureSmidt, Martin; Dyrstad, Karin. (2019) Natural Disasters and Individual Support for Political Violence - Quantitative Evidence From Nepal. International Studies Association Annual Conference 2019 , Toronto 2019-03-27 - 2019-03-30
Academic lectureSmidt, Martin; Dyrstad, Karin. (2018) Earthquake shocks and support for violence in Nepal. NTNU Challenges and New Frontiers in Micro and Meso-Level Conflict Data Collection and Analysis , Trondheim 2018-12-05 - 2018-12-06
Academic lectureDyrstad, Karin. (2018) Individual level determinants of post-conflict support for political violence: Motivation and perceived opportunities. NTNU and PRIO Understanding individuals’ opinions and experiences in conflict-affected societies , Oslo 2018-05-14 - 2018-05-15
InterviewDyrstad, Karin. (2018) Når reglene forsvinner, kommer overgrepene. Gemini Gemini [Internet] 2018-12-05
Academic lectureSmidt, Martin; Dyrstad, Karin. (2018) VIP Workshop: Natural disasters and support for violence - The Nepalese earthquake of 2015. Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap, NTNU Challenges and New Frontiers in Micro and Meso-Level Conflict Data Collection and Analysis , Trondheim 2018-12-05 - 2018-12-06
Academic lectureSmidt, Martin; Dyrstad, Karin. (2018) PRIO Brownbag: Natural disasters and support for violence - The Nepalese earthquake of 2015 . PRIO PRIO CVP Brownbag , Oslo 2018-11-28 - 2018-11-28
Academic lectureDyrstad, Karin; Binningsbø, Helga Malmin. (2017) Perceptions of transitional justice mechanisms in Guatemala, Nepal, and Northern Ireland. ECPR European Consortium for Political Research General Conference , Oslo 2017-09-06 - 2017-09-09
Academic lectureForsberg, Erika; Brounéus, Karen; Dyrstad, Karin; Binningsbø, Helga Malmin. (2017) The Gendered Links between War-Related Trauma and Attitudes to Peace: Exploring Survey Data from Guatemala, Nepal, and Northern Ireland. International Studies Association International Studies Association Annual Meeting , Baltimore, Maryland 2017-02-22 - 2017-02-25
Academic lectureBakke, Kristin; Dyrstad, Karin; Binningsbø, Helga Malmin. (2017) Attitudes to Peace: Public Opinion in Three Post-Conflict Countries. American Political Science Association APSA Annual Meeting , San Fransisco 2017-08-31 - 2017-09-03
LectureDyrstad, Karin; Binningsbø, Helga Malmin. (2016) Fredsavtaler i borgerkrigsrammede land. Utenriksdepartementet Frokostmøte i Utenriksdepartmentet , Oslo 2016-12-06 - 2016-12-06
LectureDyrstad, Karin. (2016) Attitudes for Peace: Post-Conflict Public Opinion. Uppsala University Women, War Trauma and Peacebuilding workshop , Uppsala 2016-06-30 - 2016-07-01
Academic lectureDyrstad, Karin; Bakke, Kristin; Binningsbø, Helga Malmin. (2016) Peace Agreements, War-time Violence, and State Authority: Guatemala, Nepal, and Northern Ireland. Center for Comparative and International Studies, ETH Department seminar , zurich 2016-12-02 - 2016-12-02
Academic lectureDyrstad, Karin; Binningsbø, Helga Malmin; Bakke, Kristin; Eide, Arne Henning. (2016) Attittudes for peace: post‐conflict public opinion in three countries. International Studies Association International Studies Association Annual Meeting , Atlanta 2016-03-16 - 2016-03-19
InterviewDyrstad, Karin. (2015) Achieving effective peace agreements . scsciencenordic.com scsciencenordic.com [Internet] 2015-04-05
InterviewÅdnanes, Marian; Dyrstad, Karin. (2015) Voksne avgjør barnas bosted ved samlivsbrudd . Gemini.no Gemini.no [Internet] 2015-03-17
LectureHem, Karl-Gerhard; Dyrstad, Karin; Halvorsen, Thomas. (2015) Sykefravær, ventetider og helseforsikringer - to prosjekter finansiert av NHOs arbeidsmiljøfond. NHO Frokostseminar , Oslo 2015-07-03 - 2015-07-03
LectureHem, Karl-Gerhard; Dyrstad, Karin; Halvorsen, Thomas. (2015) Sykefravær, ventetider og helseforsikringer - to prosjekter finansiert av NHOs arbeidsmiljøfond. If Skadeforsikring Partner Gathering 2015 - If Skadeforsikring , Oslo 2015-09-16 - 2015-09-16
Popular scientific lectureDyrstad, Karin. (2015) Utfordringer i helsetjenestene i lys av offentlig statistikk og helsebarometeret SINTEF. LHL "Til lags aat alle kann ingen gjera" – LHLs helsekonferanse , Oslo 2015-03-01 - 2015-03-01
InterviewDyrstad, Karin. (2015) Helse-Norges minst fornøyde har lav utdanning . forskning.no forskning.no [Internet] 2015-01-27
InterviewDyrstad, Karin; Ådnanes, Marian. (2015) Vil ha et mer effektivt helsevesen . NTB NTB [Internet] 2015-01-27
InterviewDyrstad, Karin; Ådnanes, Marian. (2015) Helseundersøkelse . tv.nrk.no tv.nrk.no [Internet] 2015-01-27
InterviewDyrstad, Karin; Ådnanes, Marian. (2015) Helsekonferanse 27. januar i Oslo: LHL måler tilstanden i Helse-Norge . NTB NTB [Internet] 2015-01-14
InterviewDyrstad, Karin; Ådnanes, Marian. (2015) Hva tenker vi selv om helsa vår? . NHI.no NHI.no [Internet] 2015-01-27
InterviewDyrstad, Karin; Ådnanes, Marian. (2015) Bent Høie åpner LHLs helsekonferanse tirsdag . NTB NTB [Internet] 2015-01-26
InterviewOse, Solveig Osborg; Mandal, Roland; Dyrstad, Karin. (2015) Bedre samarbeid om IA og Jobbstrategien. [Internet] 2015-12-02
InterviewOse, Solveig Osborg; Dyrstad, Karin. (2014) NAV "jenker" på vedtatt jobbstrategi. http://www.velferd.no/nav-laquojenkerraquo-paa-vedtatt-jobbs http://www.velferd.no/nav-laquojenkerraquo-paa-vedtatt-jobbs [Internet] 2014-04-09
InterviewDyrstad, Karin; Ose, Solveig Osborg. (2014) Jobbstrategien - økt samarbeid gir unge mulighet til arbeid. nav.no http://bit.ly/1fPXdUg nav.no http://bit.ly/1fPXdUg [Internet] 2014-02-10
Academic lectureBinningsbø, Helga Malmin; Dyrstad, Karin. (2013) Political confidence after civil war: Peacebuilding strategies and public opinion in 30 countries. International Studies Association 54th International Studies Association Annual Convention , San Fransisco 2013-04-03 - 2013-04-06
Academic lectureDyrstad, Karin; Binningsbø, Helga Malmin. (2012) Power sharing and institutional confidence: Postconflict Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia. University of Zurich, NCCR democracy Ethnic politics and electoral democracy , Zurich 2012-06-14 - 2012-06-16
Academic lectureDyrstad, Karin; Binningsbø, Helga Malmin. (2012) Power sharing and institutional confidence: The case of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap Nasjonal fagkonferanse in statsvitenskap , Trondheim 2012-01-04 - 2012-01-06
Academic lectureDyrstad, Karin. (2012) Institutional confidence in post-conflict societies. Domestic Elites and Opinion - The Neglected Dimension of Externally Induced Democratization , University of Konstanz. 2012-09-05 - 2012-09-07
InterviewDyrstad, Karin. (2012) Nasjonalisme truer ikke vestlige demokratier. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2012-05-15
Academic lectureDyrstad, Karin. (2011) Does civil war breed authoritarian values? An empirical study of Bosnia‐Herzegovina, Kosovo and Croatia. World International Studies Committee 3rd Bi‐Annual World International Studies Committee Conference , Porto 2011-08-17 - 2011-08-20
Academic lectureDyrstad, Karin; Ellingsen, Tanja; Rød, Jan Ketil. (2011) Between ethnonationalism and multiculturalism ‐ the quest for a national identity in postwar Bosnia and Kosovo. Intenational Studies Association International Studies Association Annual Convention , Montréal, Quebec 2011-03-16 - 2011-03-19
Academic lectureDyrstad, Karin. (2010) After civil war: an empirical study of ethnic intolerance in the Western Balkans. SGIR/ECPR & : Swedish Institute of International Affairs 7th Pan-European International Relations Conference , Stockholm 2010-09-09 - 2010-09-11
Academic lectureDyrstad, Karin; Ellingsen, Tanja; Rød, Jan Ketil. (2010) Ethnic Enclaves, Violence and Ethnic Intolerance in the Western Balkans. CSCV, PRIO CSCW Working Group 3 Workshop , Oslo 2010-12-16 - 2010-12-17
InterviewDyrstad, Karin. (2009) Flere juksepaver. www.universitetsavisa.no www.universitetsavisa.no [Internet] 2009-06-09