European Study Group with Industry 186
ESGI 186
ESGI 186 – European Study Group with Industry
ESGI 186
ESGI 186
ESGI (European Study Group with Industry) is Europe's leading workshop bringing together mathematicians and industrial companies. These week-long workshops have been held annually since 1968 and were previously known as the Oxford Study Groups with Industry, where they attracted leading mathematicians to work on industrial problems. The announced workshop is the third one in Norway. Information about the first ones can be found here and here.
Companies submit mathematical problems for the study group to solve; often in the form of a modelling or an optimisation problem. Participants work in groups around each problem, presenting the results of their efforts to industry at the end of the week. A written report on each problem is drawn up and presented to the companies.
This meeting is part of the series of European Study Groups and will bring together several European experts with a large experience in this type of events. More information on study groups and related aspects is available one the webpage of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry.