Booking a cruise with RV Gunnerus

Booking a cruise with RV Gunnerus

A standard cruise day is from 08:00 to 20:00, Monday to Friday. For cruises outside of these times you should contact the coordinator or crew.


Vessel availability:

Cruise calendar


External users

Internal NTNU users

Booking form Bookitlab

Note: regular users of RV Gunnerus it may be set you up as a guest in Bookitlab.

Please contact the coordinator to get set up.

Note: You must have an active project number in the system in order to place a reservation. Please contact the coordinator if you have any questions.



The following terms and conditions apply for cruise reservations.


Note: Your cruise reservation is not final until the dates have been confirmed by the coordinator or crew. 

​​​​​​​Last minute bookings

Last minute bookings

Available cruise days may be booked on an hour by hour basis, for example for mobilising or collecting equipment or samples in advance of cruises, up to one week ahead of time. The availability of cruises shorter than 12 hours cannot be guaranteed with more than one week’s notice, as bookings for full cruise days are prioritised.

Terms for last minute booking:

  • The price for internal users is:
    • 6 400 NOK / hour (08-15 Local time)
    • 9 600 NOK/ hour (15-20 Local time)
  • The price for external users is:
    • 7 400 NOK / hour (08-15 Local time)
    • 11 000 NOK / hour (15-20 Local time)
  • The number of hours is counted from departure until the vessel is moored at Trondheim harbour, + 30 minutes turnaround-time
  • If the booking doesn’t entail sailing the hours are counted by the captain/officer in charge of Gunnerus.
  • All other terms and conditions for full cruise days apply.

To request a last minute booking contact coordinator of Gunnerus, Inger Jennings.

Prices - 2025

Prices - 2025

All prices are given in NOK for a standard 12 hour cruise day (08:00 - 20:00).

Type of cruise [*]

External: 88 000

NTNU: 76 000

NTNU: internal education prices

Other services

Additional crew**: 8 500

Work boat***: 750 + fuel

Accommodation and meals (per person)

Overnight accommodation****: 250

Lunch: 120

Dinner: 160



*     Extra costs will apply for late bookings (less than 14 days ahead of cruise) or if the cruise covers weekends.

**   Some operations require additional crew. Contact us to find out more.

*** The work boat is included in the price of a cruise, but can be booked separately for this price.

**** Includes breakfast. Only available when Gunnerus is not moored in Trondheim overnight. A limited number of bunks are available (8-15). 


Contact us for prices from 2026 onwards if required for budget purposes.