FME Battery kick-off
FME Battery kick-off 22 - 23 January 2025
Welcome to kick-start the next 8 years together! We are thrilled to invite to our first physical event together with all of our wonderful partners in the upcoming FME BATTERY.
Please note that there may be changes to the agenda.
Agenda FME Battery Kick-off in PDF.
Day 1, January 22nd
Arrival and registration 09.30 - 10.00
10.00 Welcome and introduction by Hanne Flåten Andersen, IFE
10.25 Opening words by RNC by Andreas Bratland, RCN
Coffee break 10.40 - 11
11.00 Market updates by Lars Lysdahl, Rystad Energy
Lunch 11.30 - 12.30
Work package presentations
12.30 WP 1 - Sustainability by Anders Strømman, NTNU
12.45 WP2 - Processing and Recycling by David Wragg, IFE
13.00 WP3 - Material and Chemistry by Alexey Koposov, UiO
13.15 WP4 - Manufacturing by Paul Inge Dahl, SINTEF
13.30 WP5 - Diagnostics and System Integration by Jelena Popovic-Neuber, UiS
13.45 WP6 - Digitalisation by Johannes Landesfeind, UiA
14.00 WP7 - Innovations and Prospects by Fride Vullum-Bruer, SINTEF
14.15 WP8 - Education Integration by Jacob Lamb, NTNU
Coffee break 14.30 - 15.00
Work package feedback and discussions (WP1-6)
15.00 Round table discussions pt 1
16.00 Round table discussions pt 2
17 - 19 Free time for mingling, networking, relaxing, sauna etc.
Dinner 19.00
Day 2, January 23rd
Arrival and registration 08.30 - 09.00
09.00 Welcome by Hanne Flåten Andersen, IFE / Odne Burheim, NTNU
Industry insights
09.10 Skagerak Energi by Jørgen Nyhus
09.25 Bergen Carbon Solutions by Håvard Husby
09.40 Shift Material by Azadeh Motealleh
09.55 Pixii by Martin Nybord
10.10 TBA
10.25 TBA
Coffee break 10.45 - 11. 15
11.15 Panel discussion with Elinor, Morrow, Hydrovolt, Battery Norway and SINTEF
Lunch 12.00 - 13.00
Work package feedback and discussions (WP 7-8)
13.00 WP7 dialogues by Fride Vullum-Bruer, SINTEF
Coffee break 13.45 - 14.00
14.00 WP8 dialogues by Jacob Lamb, NTNU
14.45 Key take aways by Hanne Flåten Andersen, IFE / Odne Burheim, NTNU
Kick-off end 15.00 - Safe travels!
Late sign-up for the kick-off is possible, and we hope to see all of you there! Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions regarding the event or sign-up: