FME Battery

FME Battery

Centre for next generation and improved circular sustainable battery technology value chain


lab. photo
Battery lab at IFE. Photo: IFE


We conduct research on next generation and improved circular sustainable battery technology value chain.

The battery value chain has been growing exponentially for 15 years and is projected to continue doubling every 3rd year for the next decade. 

The value chain starts with mineral extraction and continues with material upgrade, cell manufacturing, systems production and a use phase. It becomes circular at the battery end of the first or second life, where recycling emerges as a key industry.

Many of the battery value chain elements are developed from a point of view, where one has been looking at how we can operate the value chain elements. FME BATTERY focus on how we should approach these processes in the future. 

Battery technology represents one of the most significant business opportunities of this decade and it is important to gather the key actors of Norway and to position our competence in an international environment. By jointly emphasizing research, innovation and education across different value chain elements, we can create a more sustainable future.

Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME)

Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME)

FME is the Norwegian Research Council's arrangement for research activities carried out in close collaboration between research groups, trade and industry, and the public administration. Key tasks include international cooperation and researcher training. 

Read more: The Norwegian Research Council.

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