Sharing and Diversity
Sharing and Diversity
This project aims to develop highly efficient cross-campus learning spaces and spaces for teachers sharing of experiences and learning resources. Following recent university mergers at NTNU and NORD, Excited currently has around 20 study programs within its direct scope. Diverse profiles of the study programs enable the partners to cater both to different student preferences and different segments of the job market.
Due to similar underlined content knowledge, teachers should collaborate across campuses to reuse learning resources and ensure comparable learning outcome and grading. Equally important is to benefit from the diversity by offering courses across multiple campuses.
Ongoing projects explore successful setups and successful processes for developing god cross-campus learning. The Corona pandemic has demonstrated that the experience gained from these activities are applicable to more general cases of blended and hybrid learning, too.
Ongoing projects also explore synergies – and work towards establishing communities – among staff across campuses, such as among teachers offering data communications courses in Ålesund, Gjøvik and Trondheim, and teachers being part of the computer engineering program that is offered to students in the same three cities. Ongoing activities also include facilitating the strengthening of the Community of Practice for Computer Science Educators.
Further Activities
The centre will promote and support pilot projects for cross-campus learning. For courses with similar contents and learning objectives across campuses, we will explore and study how learning activities can be run in parallel on multiple campuses while still maintaining the qualities of on-campus learning activities. We will also explore how the involved staff best can share learning material developed for the courses.
For specialization courses offered on one campus only, we will utilize MOOC-style distance education for extending the courses’ reach to wider communities of students.
We will be exploring how the currently developed technologies for capturing students’ progress and for providing automated feedback for self-reflection and -evaluation can be further improved and extended.
The project will result in course development and experience and knowledge in cross-campus education. We will also develop a number of tools, some specific to one course, others usable across many different courses and programs − not only in IT.
Project Team
Core Project Leader
Selected publications Sharing and Diversity
Almost over night, there was only one important question in education world wide, across all study fields. Sharing and Diversity started work to disseminate what we already know, and research in realtime Learning Activities during the Covid-19 pandemic?