Learning through Construction
Learning through Construction
Aims to maintain and further develop students’ interest and excitement by creative design of IT artefacts. The past decade has provided students with many environments and community spaces for learning through construction as well as promoting selfdiscovery and innovation.
Current Activities
At all involved campuses, there are several project courses where students build IT artefacts in real or realistic settings. NORD has a GameLab already in the first semester, where student teams spend one day a week working in a digital game company.
NTNU has several team project courses, some with real customers, and also a HackerSpace where students can explore self-driven construction projects. In Kalvskinnet campus, the Concurrent lab employs real-time collaboration systems (e.g., shared screens and projectors) for learning and construction. FabLab in Ålesund offers a playground for learning and innovation.
Further Activities
ExcITEd aims to integrate learning through construction more systematically and strongly into the course-work of the students in all semesters of each program. Partner in the centre will collaborate and share experience and guidance through the planned Community of Practice and the centre will support various forms of cross campus collaboration on course and learning activities development. ExcITEd will investigate how different construction spaces and setups support learning, by collecting empirical student data
We will increase the use of “learning through construction” and improve our understanding of how this learning method increases students’ interest and excitement for IT.
Project Team
Core Project Leader
Selected publications Learning Through Construction
Game lab – a practical learning approach for Game Development.
Læringsmål, læringsaktiviteter og vurdering i prosjektbaserte emner.
Learning through construction: a roller coaster ride of academic emotions?
Project-based learning in IT education : definitions and qualities.
Læringsmål, læringsaktiviteter og vurdering i prosjektbaserte emner.