General info

General Information

Time and place

The European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics, ECAPD 2024 is arranged 16–19 June 2024 in Realfagbygget (the Natural Sciences bld.) at Gløshaugen Campus, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Trondheim, Norway

Street Address:
Høgskoleringen 5
7491 Trondheim


Registration is done online from this website.
Find information about fees and registration here.


Hotels can be booked directly in the conference registration form.
View accommodation options on the registration page.

Public Transportation

Information about transportation to and from airport and getting around Trondheim city.

Read about public transport here

Tourist Information

Find information about Trondheim and links to official tourist information sources here.



Citizens of countries that do not have an agreement with Norway, must have a visa to visit Norway.
Please find a list of countries that have agreements here.

All presenters and participants themselves are responsible to obtain visa to travel to Norway. The organizing committee will issue invitation letters to presenters who require a visa. To receive an invitation letter, please write an email to and explicitly indicating the requirement.

It is important that all presenters/participants check-in with the Norwegian embassy in their home country concerning required documentations and the invitation letter needed (e.g., if there is specific format or text requirement).

It is also important to indicate the form of the invitation letter that is needed, e.g., (1) letter via email – digitally signed, (2) letter via email – physically signed scan copy and (3) completely physical letter via mail. For option 3, physical letter via mail, the presenter/participant will have to pay the actual postal fees. Fees will vary from country to country and, hence, it will be communicated individually via email during the preparation of the invitation letter.

Please visit following websites, which may be helpful for the visa process.

If you need an invitation letter for your visa application, please contact the Local Organizing Committee (Dennis Meier Prior to contacting the chair you must be able to confirm that conference fee payment and registration is completed*. For those who present a scientific paper, please also indicate your paper ID number and the title of the paper.

In case your visa application fails, the paid conference fee will be refunded minus administration fee of 700 NOK. Deadline for refund application is 15 May. From 16 May you get only 50% refund.



Aixacct Systems
Park Systems