Organization and how we work
Organization and how we work
Organization and how we work
NTNU Campus Development has led the development of NTNU's quality requirements for buildings and outdoors in collaboration with NTNU Property Division, NTNU Campus Service and relevant academic environments at NTNU.
The academic work is carried out in working groups with a broad composition of resources from NTNU and external architects and advisors. NTNU Property Division and NTNU Campus Service are responsible for further development and maintenence of the requirements.
A working committee har coordinated the practical work, while the project group has coordinated strategic and overall clarifications and guidelines.
The project's steering group exercises the project ownership, which primarily involves determining the framework and mandate, and following up that the project is managed in accordance with this.
The reference group consists of external parties that represent interest groups, and who are advisory to the steering group.
Steering group:
Head: Lindis Burheim, property manager at NTNU Property Division.
Merete Kvidal, project director NTNU Campus Development.
Jørn Viggo Bergkvist and Kjetil Mjøsund, Operations Manager NTNU Department of Campus Services (Eli Sørberg, deputy)
Secretary: Vigdis Hartmann and Elisabeth Lægdheim, Quality Manager at NTNU Campus Development.
Mandate Steering group:
- Ensure that NTNU achieve its aims based on societal goals and impact goals for NTNU's unified campus, NTNU's Qulity program and other foundation documents.
- Ensure a good budget and financial management.
- Ensure good propulsion control with deliveries at the right level, at the right time.
- Ensure and contribute to the project receiving relevant resources that contribute to efficient, good organization and participation.
- Ensure that the project has realistic frameworks for implementation.
- Ensure the necessary anchoring in NTNU's management.
- Decide on the final proposal for quality requirements.
The project group:
Elisabeth Lægdheim/Vigdis Hartmann (NTNU Campus Development)
Project Manager Geir Nilsen (NTNU Property)
Irene Dragvik (NTNU Department of Campus Service)
Heidi Egseth (Chief Safety Officer)
Terje Gustavsen (be Chief Safety Officer)
Iver Johnsen (project representative A Unified Campus)
Ann Kristin Sjaastad (NTNU HSE section)
Freddy Barstad (NTNU IT)
Roger Midtstraum (NTNU Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering)
Aina Nerdal (Vice-Rector's staff)
Mandate project team:
- Suggest delimitation of the assignment, organization of the work and make suggestions for topics and division into work packages. Presented to the steering committee for approval.
- Supply structure and level of delivery - to ensure consistency across.
- Suggest budget for work. Presented to the steering committee for approval.
- Set up a process that provides timely deliveries.
- Coordinate deliveries with professional content, level and manufacturing across quality requirements.
- Ensure the necessary coordination and delimitation of other processes internally in NTNU.
- Facilitate innovation, research and development in line with development agreement between the Ministry of Education and Research and NTNU.
- Provide advice on the process and results that are presented for final decision in the steering group.
- The project group will relate to adopted decisions and discuss within the framework these provide.
Working Committee:
Vigdis Hartmann (NTNU Campus Development)
Elisabeth Lægdheim (NTNU Campus Development)
Eva Haanæs (Lusparken)
Anne Karoline Simonsen (NTNU Property)
Kari Solem Aune (Cowi)
Trond Haugen (NTNU Department of Campus Services)
Lene Nagelhus (Asplan Viak)
Christian Solli (NTNU Property) Geir Nilsen (NTNU Property)
Geir Nilsen (NTNU Property)
Einar Kristoffersen Skei (Cowi)
Silje Mathillas Fongen (Cowi)
Mandate working committee:
- Continuous coordination and clarification of cases from the sub-projects.
- Prepare cases for the project team.
- Ensure proper prioritization and level of quality requirements.
Read more about the work packages and work groups here: Work packages and work groups.